Higher Rewards / More Tiers

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by OhSquishy, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. No support, events have plenty of participation as is, they don't need better rewards...it'll distract too much from other areas in kaw that need more work too.
  2. no support not even 1500 yet not gonna leave clan just to go join some stupid zta clan or whatever. Should of made the event have a pvp option
  3. No support, No inflation
  4. Personally frog I think kaw has gone from 0-100 in the last 12 months I have spent 4 years growing my account and spending a few bucks along the way to get bc. However now it seems if u have the coinage bc is literally weeks if you bought up on Black Friday. Crux chests should of been a luxury for events not be put on sale I know personally of people that have bought 100+ gold chest they just gonna run them b2b this weekend and crystal there asses off and be bc. The game has changed soooo much allie market has gone stupid you only have to look at the allie price 200+t lol it's gone mad the game is past it's best now I think. The devs have made there money sure people will still spend but things have just blown out of proportion now I feel!
  5. This is so true, top 500 used to get a low tier banner and the top 100 gear piece with no upgrades.

    I kinda wanted top 100 this event and honestly just to keep my spot I've spent almost $300 usd. The growth has been nice, but still I don't think I'll get top 100 at the rate some other people are spending.
  6. I'm at 4K and spent about 5 usd