Hiding behind ET during OSW???

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DzNutz, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. As an outside observer, I agree with Blackhand of Satan. Most legit osw can range from weeks to months. 4 hours ain't ****.

  2. I u d'état and what you all think. Your still leaving your clanmates who can't war holding a bag of poop.
  3. Dznutz, again 2-4 hours is nothing. If your allies cant hold on for 4 hours then they shouldnt be in the osw.
  4. Weezus really good point
  5. I'm pretty torn on it.. I left upcoming EE to rejoin my team when war broke out only to find targets doing EE. I didn't feel that represented well at all.

    I personally don't need to pot up and it's not as if BH keeps our feeds busy as it is (just my wall it seems) so I may join in on some of them this weekend if regular targets are all signing up anyway.

    It would be nice if EE also dropped xtals 
  6. Not really. You're earning mith and still getting your pots burnt.
  7. you did EE in WoF war herp a derp. :lol:
  8. We didn't consider that an OSW
  9. disrespectfull much. so stop commenting on honour here. Although i do admire that you actually fight an osw rather than the few of your clanmates who seem to mention they have full bars and recieving no inc instead of using them full bars. maybe theres hope for LR.
  10. Also dznutz u have to realize the clan you are talking about. I've already warred them for months on end. Regs don't war like typical clans do. They rarely return fire, instead opting to bang on apherium the entire war. And I have to honestly give props to that strategy, however honorless it may seem. They bang on eb, funnel all funds back to banks, and only attack when it's on a strip. They bore you to death by never returning fire while stripping a good amount daily. Their members grow, their banks grow, and their clan grows. It's not typical war strategy. They aren't a "pin you for days" clan. Thats the other clans place in their war strategy. They are the funds and the other clans are the fighters. While it may be boring to clans warring them, it's a very effective and proven strategy.
  11. It wasn't meant to be disrespectful... It just was what it was.
  12. And sugarbabe do you still remember when I perm pinned you for merely a week, and you destroyed your attack build and fail converted to a spy? Then bought an acct and a load of nobs/xtals and built that acct with cash? And now you want to talk about being a warrior? Lolololol it only took a week to make you destroy your build. Now you can claim greatness, but all you really have is a bought acct and a big handful of nobs/xtals.

    And lolololol. Remember janitor? Your best mate on KaW. Got his accts banned for using discount nobs/xtals didn't he?
  13. @mickey I think the regs strategy might be great but in multiple clan war it might not be that effective. As was proved in the Aots vs Apocalypse war.

    Although everything might be going good for regs but the same might not be true for their allies. It seems psychologically tiring for your allies. And thats why regs allied dropped one by one in Aots.
  14. Yes don't show respect for your allies if u do ee wars all u r doing Is saying we don't care about u we want a rest from the hit so u can have all the hit from the clan that is on us for the 4hrs
  15. Mickey you've mentioned that quite a bit over the last few months. That wasn't the case at all. You delivered a few bars a day. come on give your head a shake and come out of your self created glory. Your rendition is absurd.

    If you recall I was an attack build and you were only fighting from pin hansel. Yes I did change my build during that time (and kept that build way after) and have done so a few times since.

    I have no idea what the account reference is. That's not me
  16. I built my account from scratch.
  17. Any other mud you wanna try to sling?
  18. its a war you wont be getting rest from hits :roll: