HGL VS Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty Round 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *YA_iiiiiiiiiiSUCKiiiiiiiiii_FI (01), Dec 30, 2012.

  1. The omets are tough but using xtals really messes with them. I had 4 ko's then self ko'd at the end. 7 bil up and let's hope we keep it that way.
  2. nearly 100 bill ahead.... game over... unlucky HGL :cool:
  3. *within a hour
  4. Lol "sore loser" vs a cheerleader. But to be honest there's nothing to complain about and nothing to cheer about. We all know both clans are different.
  5. ZAFT please refrain from posting on this thread.
  6. It was expected after re-matchup, this time devs make joke 100 vs 82...
    ZAFT will win all wars in future and other clans will be rather smaller or weaker to get different matchup.
    Good work with estock devs 

    Respect to ZAFT, I only hope that they don't get bored with these pwars....
  7. respect to all parties, but... Why not form a clan of elites garnered from all corners of Kaw to match them? surely there are many Non Zaft out there willing to play?
  8. All that I can see that may happen is that when the likes of such a super clan of zaft BC gather together is that there maybe no match up. The whole point of match is its supposed to be even and judging by the difference on each win margin I can't really see many clans wanting to take on such a super clan as there will only be one outcome. Fair credit must be given in the adjusted tactics by zaft. But I'm pretty sure ATA will have noticed this and will no doubt bring balance as what is the point of going onto an EE syswar knowing there is only going to be one outcome?

    As for the EE itself I still say that you should just choose enter into EE war as opposed to have to casting a spell.
  9. I see. But how can they measure this fairly? And should they publish match up criteria? Of all the matchups I've been in they are completely random with no rhyme or reason.Also what is the difference from opting in the war or mithing out?
  10. The first point is that match up will be on some mathematical equation based on strength and activity. As to how they address the balance I'm not sure ? Maybe a temporary adjustment in clans overall percentage ???

    Second one is lets say your clan decides to war and your on holiday , or change your mind etc it should be your choice to sign up and not have to select myth
  11. Fair enough. Just curious :)