Hey Guys...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *SpiderGirl-_- (01), Dec 31, 2013.

  1. why would you count star's? do we get xstal's for collecting star's?
  2. To generalize without even giving evidence. Clearly a lot of work must've gone into this, Op. You also go so far as to give advice to us, you ask the forumers who you've gotten to know so extensively in four hours to be civil gentlemen and women to each other, but then go on to be the exact opposite of calm. How do you expect forumers to take you seriously when you aren't even yourself? Caps, censoring, and more than a few grammar errors. You can just as easily make your points without them, and as my grandfather used to say, "Cussing only shows the lack of a large vocabulary, intelligence even, to express meaning thoroughly." Consider that advice, Op.
  3. Holy **** op,you could be on one of those classless teen nick shows.Better yet you could star on Disney.I mean how often do we meet someone who shares so many traits with lizzy meguire:/
  4. That's what I love about kaw. Kawers aren't selective. We hate on new people. We hate on veterans, we hate on each other.

    @op. Pedo in my dorm must be fun if you need to come over here to forum.

    You call yourself a spy? A spy of what? A public forum on a free iPhone app, now also on android. Sure.

    Noob. Run off and leave us kawers to our raging.