HeroFromDaHood Farming Code

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *HeroFromDaHood (01), Jan 31, 2011.

  1. i dont really care i mean if anyone reads/follows my codes then sure but i just decide if they are noobish or not
  2. ATTENTION:please stealbomb phineas! We need to burn his pots!
  3. I wont to violate all your rules just to piss you off :cool: (and im going to :lol:)
  4. done bring it :D
  5. how what?
  6. So... You farm new players who were told to by others to ask for a hire.

  7. i do lots more than that and how did you violate my offenses?
  8. Are you talking to me?
  9. To AugustusCaesar: who me or him?
  10. I'm not sure. Herosomething wrote under my comment. But it may be a response to your question. Hence mine. Lol
  11. I think he knocked both us out in 1 sentence... which is stupid cause it makes it confusing... >.> noobs shouldn't farm noobs HAHA! Never farm your own kind. :lol:
  12. Punctuation is essential in the english language