
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *orthokid (01), Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Whatever, you don't understand
  2. Op, this isn't runescape, mortal combat, etc.

    We don't have or need life meters..
  3. 3rd party content......
  4. Exactly why I couldn't give an example
  5. Hey squish


    I'm not advertising it tuck fard
  6. Whatever, bye
  7. Oh yea! And we could customize them...and give them cool clothing! Level them up by battling other heros and when they win a battle they could have a battle cry! We could also give them nicknames and buy them little houses that we could fill with furniture! Then we could get them pet unicorns and dragons and other mythical creatures. We'd have to feed them of course and we could customize their houses to be our dream houses!
    Maybe we could grow forests and play first person and hunt animals! But of course, we'd have to level up as we killed wild animals. Im gonnaname my hero "daniel BOOM BOOM" hehe isnt that a cute name? 
  8. Omgee I was thinking the same thing flame!! Then we could paint our nails!