Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. War11 1 hour forward
  2. HOW ABOUT YOU FIX YOUR MATCH UP SYSTEM TOO? JOKE ABSOLUTE JOKE. I spend a fortune on this game check my account to see what I spend well no more. Stuff your wars devs you suck!!!
  3. Me thinks leave war 10 as is and war 11 make it SGT 8pm
  4. Hey this isn't relevant to the topic. Let's focus here.
  5. @kaw admin if war 10 is a 2hr was it is better to have it at 7pm AEDT, if its a 1hr war 8pm is fine.

    war 11 works out to be midnight for Australia so i dont think many australians will do that war anyway.

    Thanks for coming to us for advice
  6. For a Weekday war, War 11 is good for SGT players while War 10 is not really relevant as most of us will still be at work/school at that time. If really need to move one of them, you could move war 10 1 hour later.
  7. @Duskrider moving war 10 forward will suit SGT more than it will suit Australians.

    If war 10 is a 1hr war i dont think times need to be changed, if its a 2hr war i recon move it back 1hr
  8. You also put war 13 ack to 9am SGT
  9. Why can war 10 not be left as it is? 5pm SGT/WA/ 7PM QLD. 8pm NSW. & 9PM for NZ. This war is ideal for us.

    Then push war 11 to 11AEDT. Sgt still get to war, so do QLD & SA & any insomniac kiwis ,
  10. Give me a place that it can be relevant then due to you locking war posts! It is a joke your system and you need to fix it. Just because there named choas wars doesn't mean you can just make them chaotic match ups I like the times and varied war styles but your match ups are massive fails. Two on the trott now that have been impossible for us to win get it sorted!
  11. Once again, not the right place to discuss this.
  12. dont ignore me kaw admin 
  13. As my last post states. Give me somewhere to discuss it then.
  14. Start a thread and get some support and I'll come there.
  15. How about you ask kaw_creative to help your monkey head instead.
  16. Both war 10 & 11 move forward 1hour
  17. That doesn't solve the problem is just moves it around.
  18. We will just have to wait for the SG players to let us know how they feel about a 10pm or 11pm SGT war
  19. Because ATM I think the best and only solutions are:

    Move war 10 to 7pm AEDT and 11 to 10pm SGT


    Keep war 10 as 8pm AEDT and 11 to 11pm SGT
  20. Like someone said earlier, why not try shorter sign up times?
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