Upgrade your guilds 1by 1 to level 3 upgrade your attack building buy some pots find a clan doing nml. Do items in nml get huge bonus buy a ally to max plunder then keep doing nml till you LC low lands with level 4 guilds and a T4 attack building. You are done and now exploring highlands derp.
I can build a nearly LC low land guild hansel in 1 day. Anything longer then a few days and you are doing it wrong.
Ball you have no clue what you are talking about. I've seen accounts make 2 billion just off item phase on haunt. So if I were to do this for every haunt.... Bam llbc in a day
@A1 I'm not as active as you are. But we did the same thing with NML haunts just pay better and can be finished in 1hour. I chose ToC for eq which haunts dont have. XD T3-T8 eb with Items phase is best for starting an alt. Just spam items and Assassinates (If you can) it will still give high gold for a low stats with equipment on some eb Happy kawing
After my reset, I was able to get all my lowlands done after about a week. Not hard at all, just skim spies and hit item phases. You might need a bit more in allies as well. Shoot for around 1.5bil for now.
Next time you try to do this, follow my method. Get vollied to 3 bill Open lands, place Forges and ONE Beastiary and ONE Guild and upgrade them to level 3, however you feel the best way to do that is (debatable). At 15 lands and L3 buildings, invest in allies. I recommend 3 bill in allies. Get 22 lands. More forges. Upgrade Guild to level 4. Get 25 lands, forges, upgrade Castle to L2. Invest in a total of 8bill in allies. Then save up 1 bill, destroy a Forges, max a guild. Dont destroy the Beastiary. After converting 10 guilds, convert the beastiary to a war aviary. Convert rest of Forges to guilds. Bam, 23 huide, war aviary, 8billin allies, L2 Castle. Next, buy each HL one at a time a place L4 Guilds on them as you unlock them. Once at 12 HLs, I hope youve invested 15 bill on allies. Upgrade your castle to L3. Then do what you want, convert to any other build or stay GH.