Yes u can post here but there is no need in here. Tell me topics regarding human beliefs. And how many pages it went(cut the trolls). No 1 cares here... U cant push your beliefs on somebody else... Its same as forcing ur religion on somebody else.... Its going around everywhere.... So why not stop arguing abt their -ve and learn from their +ve and make ourself better.. Change yourself first then world will follow u
I can push my beliefs on anyone I want as long as I am in power. My beliefs are correct. They should believe what I do. Utensils are bad. People who think otherwise are monsters.
Todd as post says here above this is open for discusion I am posting on my beliefs. If u cant argue u shut up... This is what is hapening around the world. Open your eyes and see clearly rather than shout on me...
All the fat is actually a protective barrier from all the dangerous hazards a child may face today, Like; Falling Pointy corners Falling in the toilet Getting molested buy a German Shepard The wind blowing to hard Ect... The list goes on. If anything we need to put a few more layers of protection on them. Cupcakes and hunny buns for breakfast lunch and dinner. Its the skinny kids that meed our help
Ken for the love of all things sane PLEASE stop forcing your words on us man!! It isn't right that you are so demanding of everyone here on this thread because you don't agree with the material stuff. Humans don't act like parrots bro, remember that!!!
lol noones shouting you tedious humorless window licker ...oh you're a Zaftee that explains it all
Ken agrees with shedding a few pounds so he went ps and lost all of his allies. Really though, you have to be more open minded to Trolls authoritarian views Ken. If you just accept his new firms rules it would improve your lifestyle.
It doesn't take a fork to eat a bag of chips. Most good food takes utensils while a lot of the empty calories you can eat with your hands