Help me make a safer world! Please for the children!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ViX, Oct 26, 2015.


    Seems legit. I mean I've never seen a fat ass Ethiopian kid and they don't use utensils. They just slop everything up with that sponge like material they call bread, injeera I think.

    Anyways forks are evil...
  2. Definitely no support, sorry. The reason they are obese is excess calories and they aren't burning as much as they are eating. The only way to lose weight properly is have a caloric deficiency and exercise. Laziness and a large amount of excess calories is why people are obese.
  3. Elizabeth and Todd im glad you see the light on this issue.
  4. Don't see too many fat ass Far East Asians either. There's plenty fat ass Asian-Americans, but they use forks.

    ...those chopsticks definitely slow em' down
  5. Maybe I should allow chop-sticks rather than traditional western style utensils?
  6. Make plates n dishes smaller
    Or dont let fat people eat
  7. Or people could get up and do a little sport...
  8. What's also a huge problem;

    Most fast food is way cheaper then a good healthy meal
  9. I can't believe people aren't dying from laughter at this post!!! Omg! Lighten up!

    Dude this is an awesome post. I really needed that laugh! Did you think of how to implement this at school? They'll have to serve chicken tenders and fries without the use of utensils for healthier foods. Unless, of course, they serve nothing but carrots and celery..

    Thanks again for the awesome post
  10. You know what this means..........More Ribs and bacon cheeseburgers and fried chicken. No utensils needed?
  11. Thank you RoyalB, I would like to again point out to everyone on this thread obesity is no laughing matter. This is 100% serious.
  12. I would like to point out that obesity is self inflicted as well as self treated. Make poor decisions reap the results. No sympathy here for those to lazy to change their own life style.

    That being said.......mmmmmm bacon cheeseburgers
  13. Only if they convert to eating Uncle Ben's or maybe Jasmine Rice (ever try to eat Uncle Ben's with chopsticks?)

    ...not that sticky short grain rice they use for sushi.

  14. I eat my burgers w/ a knife & fork (no lie)
  15. I don't think you see the full picture. You cannot use a tongs or a spatula to cook the burger. Hence making them more difficult to prepare fixing the issue.
  16. I have deeply thought this through and give assurances on its ability to work.
  17. What about the animals!?!? Animals are obese too sometimes 
  18. This thread is FDA Approved.

  19. It's ok. Women are allowed to use them:)
  20. Without utensils won't people just starve? Children are not the best wth their hands!