Then why don't you seek to educate those people and change their lives rather than merely banning tools?
I guess banning tools is easier to justify rather than actively solving problems which lead to crime?
Support. There are many movies based on obesity and I think the best movie is "fed up" since it shows you why people are becoming obese and how major food companies are a big contributing problem.
Ah the back on subject of tools. Like you. Who made a thread to flame a specific player. Funny I got forum banned for that But I digress. Lets clarify your stupidity. WEAPON Also found in: Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. weap·on (wĕp′ən) n. 1. An instrument of attack or defense in combat, as a gun, missile, or sword. 2. Zoology A part or organ, such as a claw or stinger, used by an animal in attack or defense. 3. A means used to defend against or defeat another: Logic was her weapon. tr.v. weap·oned, weap·on·ing, weap·ons To supply with weapons or a weapon; arm. A gun is a weapon. Not a tool. It is designed to kill. But you failed that debate already. And now you pick another category of people to belittle for your own amusement whilst proving your ignorance further. TOOL tuːl/ noun 1. a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function. "gardening tools" synonyms: implement, instrument, utensil, device, apparatus, gadget, appliance, machine, contrivance, contraption, mechanism, aid; Please do try to understand there is a significant difference in category as tools are designed to aid, a gun is designed to kill. Now back to the subject of belittling a specific type of person that you objectify for your own bigoted amusement. That is the correct topic right? If you wish to discuss guns there was a thread for that. This isn't it and you are derailing your own thread
The problem is not how much they eat, nor is it how much they exercise. The problem lie in both their genetics, but also in WHAT they eat. If an obese person were to cut their salt, sugar,/simple carbs and fat consumption (with no fake sugar or extra hormone chemicals), then they would most certainly lose weight. Especially if they increased their amount of complex carbs and proteins at the same time
Look at that mud slinging, this thread is aimed at no player. Also how on earth does a gun not fit into that definition of tool? It meets every single criteria. A gun is a tool. Good try. Items can however have more than one classification. Maybe try urban dictionary to get an alternative definition to try to support your argument?
If someone was stabbed by a fork, it is still a tool, and also a weapon. They are almost synonymous. Anything considered a tool can be considered a weapon.
Now it's just an item. And nope. Go check the dictionary definition. A weapon is a weapon. A tool is an aid it helps people. It doesn't take life. That would be a weapon. But I don't think you will get that ever. Is a nuke a missile? A weapon or a tool? i think i am certain it comes under the classification as a weapon. Tell you what. Give the army the forks you confiscate and they can defend a nation with those. They don't need an item as useless as a gun. That's just a tool. Don't need them for home defence either. Forks will do. And c'mon. We all know why you started this thread. Be honest for once in your life.
I thought a fork was a utensil well that's what your thread is about. Contradicting yourself. Funny you mention tools lol
@OpChaos You're making that definition up. No where in what you copied and pasted did it read a tool can't take life. Good fight bro
Utensils are tools. Tools can be considered weapons in certain situations. Need me to explain further so you can understand?
You aren't getting this. A tool can be used as a weapon. Because its function was to aid but it was not designed to be used in such a manner. Swords guns missiles are weapons. They are designed to kill and no other purpose. They are designed as weapons and categorised as such from production. Other wise we would not need the word weapon would we? We would just use the tool of a missile to kill/ destroy an enemy with. But that said. I concede that you can't argue with stupidity. Eventually you will wear me down and beat me with experience. So on that note. Toodles.