This thread made my day. And I rather eat with my face in my plate than use utensils, its much easier. Support
can we atleast use spoons for ice cream, or popsicles that you make in a cup and can't get out because they get narrow in the middle?
I have to admit. This thread made me learn something new Troll is a sizeist or to be precise. This type of discrimination can take a number of forms, ranging from refusing to hire someone because he or she is too short or too tall, to treating overweight and underweight individuals with disdain. In some regions[uk], anti-discrimination laws are in place to prohibit sizeism, along with other forms of discrimination, but sizeist stereotypes (such as "overweight people are lazy", "skinny people are mean", or "tall people can play basketball") are often ingrained in modern society. In the USA, the list of anti-discrimination acts does not specifically include sizeism as an offence. Another area you are lacking in perhaps? Also what about those on medication or with illness / injury preventing exercise? And cheese. What about the intestines and bowel? You missed a large part of the problem again.
Optimal chaos whatever you've been smoking I want some. I'm trying to help public health. If anyone's discriminating it's you for seeing racism/discrimination where there is none.
Like I said my policy is a world wide ban; therefore butthurt liberals don't worry. I won't be discriminating against any group.
Sorry troll. But I cannot directly give advice in a public forum. Any incorrect advice due to not being aware of any aspect of a condition which the recipient then acts upon could lose to a lawsuit or a dr being struck off. All I can advise is that people see their own doctor for a referral to a dietician for their dietary needs. But one must say that moderation is key. Silly people that sue over advice on games forums expecting gamers to give proper medical advice.
Diet is 80% of the problem. If we are banning guns for shooting deaths, we may as well blame forks for obesity. I'm on board everyone should eat exclusively at McDonald's and Pizza Hut who have already taken steps towards this health utopia by offering foods that don't require any utensils!
I am not giving you advice to cut back on your intake of food optimal. I am seeking litigation which would force it. Don't worry I know you are a human and not responsible for your actions, the tools you use are.
I like getting x-rays with a fork behind my back too. Now back on topic please optimal or I'll have to ask you to leave.