Help me make a safer world! Please for the children!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ViX, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. I am trying to save lives here, don't be ridiculous.
  2. Class action suits...
    Land of fast food n sugar offers easy targets. Get rich whilst fightin the battle of the bulge.
  3. Wouldn't my method technically save lives in the distant future, sure a few billion would drop off at first but eh
  4. Bahahaha, clearly you are not aware of how many are starving all over the world. Have you visited a country with so many malnourished kids? btw, post some more photos, it would surely make your thread reach 1000 pages
  5. 2 birds with one stone....

    Take a gun to a drive thru n open up on the squawk box. Save a life render it useless.

    PS cheeseburger fries n a diet coke pls
  6. This thread is to address countries affected by obesity not malnourishment as they will be unlikely to read my eye opening thread.

    I can address my solutions to malnourishment in the future but please stay on topic. One miracle at a time.
  7. Fat people disgust me. I'm glad they are dying instead of tryin to save them we should encourage them to eat more so they die sooner
  8. Conceded pricks disgust me, rather deal with an obese person over one of them.
  9. Yeah but I'm not lazy a fat ass who's a drain on society Who can't stop putting food in my mouth because I'm greedy and disgusting
  10. Not the answer either.
  11. Doesn't this just sicken you? Kids being indoctrinated into a life of potential obesity at an early age?

    It breaks my heart.
  12. Yeah, obese people have a strictly negative effect upon society while fit individuals have a strictly positive influence simply for existing, do me a favor, suck start a shotgun
  13. Support. If we can't ban them, maybe just make them harder to get? I would bet you that if it were harder to acquire spoons, people would just give up on eating altogether.
  14. Finally the nation on the right path

  15. I whole heartedly agree TNT, maybe if we only let responsible people get permitted utensils it would keep them out of the hands of people who would misuse them.
  16. An adequate background check and psychological screening process would ensure that only people with the mental capacity to handle utensils would help as well.
  17. But how does a background check ensure people don't have a mental issue in the future? I don't think thats adequate for regulating utensils.
  18. If ones ass can be seen arriving 1st?
  19. Also what about straw buyers? People who buy utensils and sell them off the books?

    The only way to prevent this is frequent checks to ensure the person maintains the item.
  20. Wow! troll is getting a little obsessed with his guns there. Can't a person agree to disagree?