help being farmed even though i apized 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *The_Broken_Angel (01), Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Fight back against
    1 8m hansel
    1 10m warrior
    2. 3m hybrids
    1 1m hansel
  2. @nash, yes it is. But he kept offering his gender and switching what he was claiming. Supposedly he was saying filthy things which made it unlikely that he was the gender he was claiming at the time. He was asking Supa about pal (yes angel brought pal up first) and Supa asked in response for the vm. Supa never asked, the information was offered and he simply questioned it. So if anyone broke TOU, it would be Angel, not Supa.
  3. @broken everyone here knows the mechanics enough to know that half of those players cannot actually hit you. Please, stop with the forum whining. If you didn't lie, this issue wouldn't be in your lap.
  4. @ briganta. How is 4 accounts against a 1 player 1 vs 1? Seems more like 4 vs 1.
    What right has anybody got to demand personal informations regardless or they get farmed until they do?
    Broken angel clearly cannot defend against 4 accounts obviously more experienced.
    My news is certainly being filled by more than one account. 3 last count. I'm sure more will come. They always do when they getting owned. Always
  5. DTW :/
    okay who is/are the asshole/s that broke angel!?!
  6. Ali, as explained not all those accounts can even hit angel.. And the story behind supa seems more valid. If angel is lying about these accounts hitting her/him then do you think he/she is lying about other things?
  7. @ u say they cant hit me but i hav ss of all players hitting me
    N tell me onething
    what he has to do if m a gal or boy
    Is he going to marry me
    Ask him to follow me once i will give u ss of who gave pal id n asked to add there
  8. Read a thread about posting screenshots in forums. Do that. Prove people wrong.

    Actually, I now see a possibility. Did you receive hits from the bigger account after you changed to Hansel?
  9. @Brigantia, I never said who broke TOU. And thats why I said ask/tell.

    8m hansle can't hit a 1m hansle. If thats what OP claims, thats a lie. But I think OP mentioned of resetting from a 4m build.

    Btw, stop whining, you can always fight back. Learn from Moose, he faught a whole clan alone!
  10. Also I'm gonna put out the theory that angel=Ali
    Just saying a possibility, not saying its true.
    Being honest here, I would like to have proof against supa. I dislike zaft in general but I'm only saying what I see and what I see is angel being in the wrong.
  11. @angel No one is dumb enough to believe that a 8mil CS hit you. As for the pal id- you asked him for it, and he gave it to you. All you're doing is digging yourself into a hole here Angel. Once people see that you commonly lie, do you think they'll side with you? The simple answer to that is no. You cannot trust someone who lies for the fun of it.

    And @Ali if its one person on the accounts, it 1v1...maybe angel will learn not to pick on someone with more accounts at their disposal. And from what I understand, he intends to keep you pinned Ali. You should do more research into a situation before you jump in. The kid lies, haven't you considered him stretching the truth to you too?
  12. Nash bro!
    Yeah Nash think about it bud, remember op mentioned changing from 4 mill hitter to 1 mill Hansel? At the time of the 4 mill hitter could have been when he/she was hit by the bigger accounts
  13. @ Nash. When was the last time you fought against a whole clan? With your 1800 battles losses, I doubt you have even been in a fight outside of system. Until you experience this yourself you should let moose tell his story. Not you. I'm sure you would be whining also.
  14. @briganta. I guarantee it will take more than 3 accounts and a really worthless spy to keep me pinned. If anyone is pinned it's them. Afraid to come out of pin. Dtw dtw dtw all of them.
  15. @ Nash. Angry? Me ? Lol. I'm always angry in KaW. Possibly the most butt hurt player you will find, which only serves to help my fighting endeavors.
  16. @Ali just because your buddy's forum post, or yours (because i could see what unicorn said as a possibility) isn't turning out the way you want it doesn't mean you have any right to be disrespectful. You seriously make a comment on someone's stats, look at yours! You're tiny. You obviously have no experience and you're just sitting pinned. I personally thought you were given good advice.
  17. @brig
    Did u read first post i clearly wrote i changed from 4m warrior to 1m hansel
  18. @Ali, did you dropped ur build as a part of CF?