Helms of Magic Sign-Up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Use YoDude's character instead of mine! YoDude posted first!
  2. Kimber it's fine it don't matter to me
  3. U gonna use my character or not?
  4. probably not...
  5. These are the characters that i am using:
  6. Awesome!
  7. Can I use lightning or ice or chaos?
  8. Thx for using my character!
  9. Sorry those are all of the main elements
  10. Name: Fred, Aka Shady
    Bio: abandoned as a child had to learn to survive on his own, he has amazing skills with a sword, his weapon is a 2 handed black sword
    age: 16
    apperence: medium length brown hair with brown eyes, he's white, his black 2h sword on his back everywhere he goes, around 5'8
    helm: black helm of darkness
    gives him the power to... Idk what something with the dark
  11. Sorry man already have darkness
  12. Hey dude I'm in to help pm me if you want my help
  13. Nope got it covered
  14. Is my evil guy being used