hello there

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. I've actually done this and it worked. No kidding.
  2. r u an expert chippy?
  3. Chippo-man is defs an expurt
  4. Yeah I'm an expert, was a 25m cs Hansel and dropped everything.
  5. Cast "white flag" mith spell. Then they will know you've surrendered, and can no longer hit you
  6. Hit back, makes the game interesting, unless you're just being a butt to someone who can't hit back
  9. I dislike everyone who doesn't know who anarchy is tbh.
  10. who is anarchy and how sensual are her feet?
  11. who's anarchy and why do you dislike me
  12. i can agree with you on this.

    best of for da trolling

    welcome back anarchy 
  13. red aperion is the only way m8