Hello New Kaw Players.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Pee_0n_Me, Feb 27, 2014.

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  1. BTW, great gif Ashley lol
  2. OP the game is a lot bigger than you think you know, and if you think you know.. Then I don't think you know
  3. If any noob wants to talk to someone that actually knows a lot about the game to get to know something, talk to ex-mod and very well known guider, Wulf. :D
  4. I would not doubt this mans education.
  5. He is most likely much better than any "Wulf"

    If this "Wulf" were so educated wouldn't he know how to spell?
  6. Wulf's profile says he's 102 years old. He must have some experience under his belt.
  7. -KAW_GUIDE-

    Posts: 70
    Joined: 2014 08 Jan, 11:13 pm

    2 month player helping noobs, Seems legit.
  8. Bump for lock OP said he was requesting.
  9. Do you mind helping me? My stats are small and I never make any gold...

  10. /Lock
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