Because you were either stealing or assasinating while the other player was attacking him. Hope that answer is good enough to suit you kind sir.
For christs sake Hansels go DTW when no gold out unless you are a hybrid or another hansel. Your friend was an attack build, you are hybrid, target gold went to zero therefore he went dtw to att from an attack build
Well, to answer this plainly you have 2 energy bars, one was used up, one was left open. very simply put.
Silver is right, if attacking a hansel with attack build he will go dtw when he runs out of gold. He will still be open for attacks from hybrids and other hansels though. OP u have no clue about basic fight mechanics.
Yes Silver is correct.. My point to the op is that new players need help with build mechs so they can figure out what build they want to shoot for.. If you can't help with simple build mechs then your help is not needed
Hence, I stated here to help NEW players. The questions no matter how I answered would have been wrong in your eyes. Lets keep the insults out and the info in this thread please.
Here is your info: These type of threads have always FAILED very hard. But don't stop, when you fall on your face always get back up and try again with a revised plan.
Not true it was a basic question on fight mechs.. You need to brush up on fight mechs so when new players ask you about builds to can tell them about some of the pros and cons
As I look back my help for any player is not needed. I shall request a thread lock and leave kaw. Sorry If I offended anyone.
You didn't offend (at least not me). The only problem is that you can't help new players while being very new to the game yourself
Pretty much Phantom, helping people is fine. Helping when you dont have a clue, which means your just speaking to speak, is not. It only ends up with half-taught players.