Hello, I'm new!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CentEvinSpelNoob, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Very funny xD
  2. Yup 
  3. OP, I am the village idiot.

    Feel free to PM me your questions, and I will give you sarcastic untrue answers.

    But telling your friends; "Willy told me taking all the items is a sign of respect." They'll know. They'll know.
  4. I sense slight sarcasm xD
  5. I'm just dandy thanks! I'm doing my potty forum browsing/posting session
  6. I hope op sticks around. I like him already.
  7. No problem! Glad I asked!
  8. :|
  9. ...o.o
  10. Don't build any buildings, don't hire any allies, and go to clan and search for a really strong alliance of clans. Find the owner of one, and type in these exact words:

    I hate you, your whole family, and your alliance. Come at me, noob!

    And then put an ad out in WC that says:
    Farm me, strip me, and put me in CA.

    And before you know it, you'll be HLBC!
  11. :| and this is what you call a horrific attempt at a troll
  12. Yepp.... Better luck next time.
  13. Man. I'm not good at this sarcasm thing am I?
  14. How to b lb
    Go to profile tap the big red button thats says reset reset 8times and it will give u all the eq plus 100t in gold
  15. Another failed attempt. Although you made this one obvious xD
  16. @ New Guy

    Are you aware that at one time a player spent $20,000. in 1 day on this game?

    Even ATA felt that kind of money was too much and capped spending at $250 daily per account.

  17. Is that true willy?
  18. Yes.

    The Vancouver Sun had an article on ATA years ago.

    Good read for an ATA fan.