
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *SpiderGirl-_- (01), Dec 31, 2013.

  1. 26 pages and this is still going?where's robot I want popcorn.
  2. Girls are scary... /).(\
  3. All this arguing is a lovely way to welcome a newb eh?
  4. Oh god, just let the thread die already, I'm tired of seeing it in AT
  5. Deni doesn't try prove herself to anyone. She's just a very talkative / social person. Alycone is simply desperate for approval.
  6. Crow father, op announced in another thread that he's leaving.

    It's all because of MM's huge feet.
  7. Shino, I doubt these girls are gonna just let it die. I bet my car on it.
  8. I aint no girl. I'm a real boy!
  9. I hope your nose just grew a little.
  10. I'm done. She can run her mouth all she want. This isnt over, tho.
  11. That was some cat fight. Meow!

  12. I wear size 14 shoes....

    Too late?
  13. Why you have to keep one upping me, Mesco?!
  14. White kids, you know how they are.
  15. My ribs hurt and my cheeks are sore, you guys are comedic assholes except you RP; very piss poor effort.
  16. Whatever you say, fett.
  17. *cough* is it over?