Hearts of Gold (HoG) are about to become extinct

Discussion in 'Wars' started by solve, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Again.. Solve didn't know they were in a war, as he stated in the post.
  2. He's a little clueless then for a guy with almost 200k wins 
  3. Again, how do you not know? when you hire multiple allies from mulitple owners, in a sub clan of clan that's warring?

    And lets say if he didn't know, then why didn't he just say sorry and we wouldn't be having this conversation? So he, his 8 alts and his broken clan, with idiots like you that don't seem get anything are getting farmed because he is simply too naive or too stubborn. Take your pick. :roll:
  4. Hmmmm. And then there's you guys, a clan full of hot heads, who blow things out of proportions.
  5. And it's a sub clan, so you don't know if the sub clan is a part of the main clan's war. So don't try it.
  6. Dear Solve clan:
    Request from PoppaBear and HoG....
    Can you please buy pots? This is ridiculous. My people deserve better paying farms. The tyranny of low level paying farms has caused grief in my community . My players deserve the best!
    How are we ever supposed to pay for the 2T we've stripped from you? Ludicrous! At least you can be a respectable farm!

     Free my people from the pains of this depressed ekawnomy they are forced to survive in while farming your clan!! Please purchase pots!

    You hear me? 

    Free my people! 
  7. Damn stuffs going down all over kaw it seems this week with pinkys hate thread and now this
  8. Hahaha poppa. Nice try. Why waste our money on hot wads when we can save it to build?
  9. Hot heads* (autocorrect)
  10. What are you even talking about? You don't seem to make any sense, you keep ignoring the facts I keep putting out. Please just go back to your eb or whatever you do and keep off the forums. You've done nothing but make yourself look like an idiot and you keep repeating the same things over and over.
  11. You kidding me? I go off your posts and you said it was from a sub clan. Go figure.
  12. At wordwaster page1:


    Learn your contractions or I shall not allow you to speak to English language anymore
  13. Keep on hitting though. Its cute As I have no gold out, your attempts are pretty much wasted. So, why not go back to your own lives and attack your eb where you can actually grow
  14. Until you sleep and they strip your allies and take ur cash...though I wouldn't bother myself your cash and BFA is pathetic. Going into war with nothing to lose gives you 0 ground to talk ****. Besides being a word warrior, you are a worthless target. You have about as much going for you as a self employed homeless guy
  15. All I Can say is good luck cuz you have no chance.
  16. For all the talk, couple of points of interest. Serve seem to be doing well completing haunting. Possibly you should consider hitting the enemy you plan to deconstruct instead. No point waxing lyrical in a thread, if its business as usual in EB land.

    And HoG, why are you letting them complete Haunting??? 
  17. What if solve's clan gets an upper hand will apocalypse jump in?
  18. The fact they're completing haunts is another clue that they aren't real warriors. They are obviously throwing more troops at the EB than at HoG lmao oh well this is what the KaW players have become. Hence why I am distancing myself from this pathetic display
  19. Hahaha. Cynder, I have my money banked, not in allies, but bronze bars, and I don't buy allies for stats bonuses, I buy them for plunder bonuses, which is why my BFA is so low. Know what the player does before talkin crap.
  20. Shoot for the stars and if it doesn't pan out, at least your clan gets some recognition.