Hearts of Gold (HoG) are about to become extinct

Discussion in 'Wars' started by solve, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Chris, stop it. No forum trash talking. Have a good one people.
  2. U gon fail bruh run bruh!
  3. Honestly, the HoG members are just being completely unjust about this whole thing. Sure they don't want their allies hired/volleyed, but it is indeed part of the game and they should get over it. Our clan owner didn't know that they were in a war, and had he known, I guarantee he wouldn't have done that. This is a war game, but that doesn't mean you have to be hotheaded over little things. And just because they couldn't hire them again at the time, doesn't mean they couldn't at a later time. It's called saving money. HoG needs to grow up. It's really stupid to strip 2T worth of allies over maybe 100b, which is easy to get back. Get over yourselves.
  4. Kinda supporting the op. At least they are standing up for themselves.
  5. You're missing the point. You're right, it is part of the game, and so is farming for hiring allies when the person is warring, IT IS ALSO PART OF THE GAME. Hiring put out a lot of gold, especially on our hansels, it not only costs us the war but also gold. Remember its hard to pin in these new wars and you're constantly being attacked. So, it was basically a strip. Not only on 1 member, but multiple members with multiple allies being hired. If it was one ally hired, yeah no biggie.

    And How did he manage to hire multiple allies from multiple owners and not check if they were warring?

    He wanted to make a quick buck and now it cost almost all his gold. His response rather than apologizing was the same as your right now. He insisted he did nothing wrong. And we also insist we're doing nothing wrong.
  6. Seriously lmao cry baby
  7. Look at the purdy baby!!!! Awww!!!
  8. You realize you guys are getting hyped up over a game?
  9. Besides, I don't care for wars because I don't have much time for them, so I stick to PvE. Much more schedule friendly.
  10. I think there will be an apology thread soon  I support hog, should check owner before hire. And it says that he vollied with 3 of their members so he should of known not to keep re-hiring. Either way, it's a war game so can farm. Good luck to op 
  11. You've had incoming.... Not FAIR! I still have none 
  12. Then why do you care about getting farmed? Why does solve care about getting farmed? Statement goes both ways, why are you even replying to this topic. Hell why was this topic even made?

    Well, Solve and you got your sympathy from the forum. You can go home now.

    And we're not hyped, this is business as usual. Thing is unlike our other OSWs, solve made a sympathy thread and made it public.

    That's perfectly fine. You're entitled to play the game as you like.
  13. Hahaha! Care about getting farmed? I don't. All I've simply been doing is unloading on eb mostly, and banking it right afterwards so greedy people don't steal it during this situation.
  14. Why are you banking if you don't care? LOL
  15. And I don't know why solve made it, because I've had pretty much nothing to do with this and I let solve do what he wants of course. I've simply been posting my view on this situation
  16. I'm banking because while this is going on I still get incoming, an being of small size, they often succeed. And along with my little time on this game, I try to keep what gold i have for later building.
  17. Nice thread. Good luck guys . Somewhere down the line persistence earns respect.
  18. I look forward to your and your clan's inc, I had 0 the last two days. And just to let you know about SR, we don't really care about EBs to begin with, we decided it was more fun to strip 2tril off solve and farm you guys than a EZ PZ Eb. :)
  19. So then you guys are just a bunch of trolls picking on smaller players? It's like XBOX Live all over again.