Hearts of Gold (HoG) are about to become extinct

Discussion in 'Wars' started by solve, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Good luck, hope you guys can do ur fair share of damage and much respect to standing up to the bully!
  2. I literally laughed my ass off when he said they were returning inc. we've Been hitting them for how long? My first inc from you cal was from that nice osf bla bla that I love to unload on. 0/3 att 0/1 stl. Keep at it guys  you all are great.

    I mean come on, who doesn't love a good pwar
  3. Still no inc oli.....that was a good joke 
  4. Nice spy defence OP... Say goodbye to your allies.
  5. Do they have anything other than scouts
  6. Lmao, I've received 4 inc this whole war. You guys are pinned constantly. Shoukd of just taken cf and left it alone. Instead you ran your mouth trying to be mr. Big stuff. Now your clan will be a candle in the wind
  7. Hey Kaw I was one of the Allies taken and reading this gave me a good understanding now of what happened. Solve isn't a bad guy he just made a mistake cut him some slack kaw.
  8. Pride is a deadly sin...oh well I'm here to playtoo bad we've barely seen a inc so far...solve when I went throw ur post I asked myself..what planet are this solve from cuz standing up for urself can't really mean hiding in ebs n risk ur clanmates own good can it? Can it???so far one player on ur side have had the  to fight back...what have you been doing? Oops you were pinned...btw I love ur buildthat's top notch bud really lmao
    I feel bad for ur innocent clanmate I'm about to strip....I tell him you approved bud tnx cheers
  9. All those stats and not a single SDT 

    Good luck!
  10. That really is too bad. We gave you an easy CF term to just post an apology to the 3 members you force vollied during the Estoc trials. Even your banner and CA says to "play the band" as you're going down. Then again I guess it's not much of a Titanic sinking effect when you're half the clan, but as owner you should be caring about the overall welfare of your clan members.

    It is as it is, but contrary to your belief HoG are not bullies - we simply look after our own.

    p.s. Hearts of Gold is extinct because said clan does not exist - Lol
  11. I am a member of solve, i do not understand why hog cant get over the volleying, its done already, big deal! dont cry over it if hog is really a big and experienced clan then you wouldnt have lost that war!! Im going down with my clan, im not going to back down to some mad players. Its a game get over it! Mr. Big HoG go on and hot me so what if thats what makes you feel better then have fun hitting people weaker then u cuz thats all you can do, have fun blowing all your money on us, i look foward to the many defeats that will burn your pots and send your clan into the abyss, how did you guys have to forfeit sporaveks revenge? Thats right u cudnt do it cuz ur clan cant farm us and win a eb at the same damn time!…you guys lost 2t all ready, ready to loose some more? im going down with solve im not gonna cry when my allies get stripped imma laugh at u for buying inactives. Im loyal to my clan and solve, so gp ahead start your farming!!! you guys are about to have one hell of a war, cuz even in defeat there is victory, i will loose against all defenses and assaults but i will caus u a ton of gold!!! Enjoy you crybabies, dont worry i will give you all your teadybears back, which are more of bears than u dumb noobs! :) time to fall with my captain! ;-P
  12. PS: i followed you poppabear to apoligize for my spammig rage, but i guess ur the biggest baby of all for complaining tpli a mod... maybe you should change ur name to babycub you dumb jackass!
  13. Jackass=donkey so dont try to get me silenced for calling u a donkey little cub! :)
  14. Respect for Solve That "Caring about the welfare of your members" ploy is played out HoG, I sincerely hope they fight until the wheels fall off. Stand your ground Solve, what ever the outcome...DO IT STRONG AND DO IT UNITED!!
  15. Chris got cajones
    I am thoroughly entertained by this thread  Win
  16. Ally market, volleying is totally fair and part of the game. But like anything its not without risks. You not only hired but vollied the allies up so my 3 clan members couldn't rehire. They were in war. And when asked why, you had a smart ass answer. Rather than saying sorry and just moving on, you chose this. So enjoy. Sorry for your but hurt. :?

    You ****** up and now face the consequence. Also I give you about another week before the devs ban your 8 accounts for having multiple accounts. Let me count them solve, solvespy, solveatk, solvepc, solvemac, solvesamsung, evlos, evlosatk etc...

  17. @chr1s0614

  18. 