Hearts of Gold (HoG) are about to become extinct

Discussion in 'Wars' started by solve, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. I gotta tell ya.... This clan is REALLY PATHETIC
  2. *raises hand*
  3. Highly doubt this is an issue for HoG.

    To OP, a public apology shouldn't be needed. Simply contact HoG leadership, take a lump or two, and step away. HoG leaders are reasonable folks who are highly respected in every circle of Kaw.

    Fight them tough enough, and you may end up allies
  4. Pathetic? They had the stones to stand up for themselves against insurmountable odds
  5. Soul silver is better
  6. Whether or not they succeed is what it is. Forgive my assertions or assumptions, but IMO, they need training more than insults.
  7. That said, momma and poppa are near and dear friends. It's no surprise to me that they haven't commented directly.

    They're good folks who tend to stay above the fray.
  8. Here is my final post on this thread:

    I respect Solve for standing his ground. It's a futile effort and the only hope they have is to stay pinned on their EBs. Neither side is unreasonable.

    Here is what I have a problem with:

    It's not Solve or any one player in his clan. It's all you cowards out there that say, "we support you for standing your ground. Good luck with the war". YOU are the cowards that hide. YOU are the ones that should actually be given a proper beating. If you think that is harsh, what about you merely wishing him luck and giving no support? (Excluding ones that support the principle of what Solve's actions have resulted in) I'm referring to the ones that say they give support and then offer no help. That is purely cowardice and you shall be treated as such.

    Don't believe me?

  9. Lol death! You're always in the thick of it!
  10. solve!! yay i know you!! please hire me
  11. I would love to see hog disappear! Not! U guys couldn't take on even one!
  12. Hey, who's that stealing candies from the babies? lol
  13. Nicely said Ace. I agree with you 100. These people act like they are something special with their Fight The Power Op crap. Yet have you noticed since being called out yesterday. They all went  They are by all means Cowards!!! My Final statement :

    “We despise and abhor the bully, the brawler, the oppressor, whether in private or public life, but we despise no less the coward and the voluptuary. No man is worth calling a man who will not fight rather than submit to infamy or see those that are dear to him suffer wrong.”
    ― Theodore Roosevelt
  14. To clan solve :
    To post on clan page that Poppabear has posted in forums that he quits is a lie for this you have my full attend and will continue to have it. Hearts of gold is a true family clan with every member watching each others backs no matter what goes on we respect each other and will fight for each otherthis is your down fall your clan is nothing with out this bond something your clan knows nothing about!!
    Take note on the fury that comes your way for lying and not manning up to your faultsit doesn't matter that we are a lb clan this does not make us what we are!! We are a family first and this is where we get are strength and are desire to protect each other!! For all those who seem to think that solve is in the right post on my wall lets see what you are made of you bunch of pusses keep on posting on this thread I will see each one of you 
  15. Beautifully Written 
  16. I will keep this short. I have just been made aware of our clan page and have deleted it. IT IS A LIE! HOG is a great war clan that has my highest respect. I will find the one responsible and actions will be taken. I humbly apologize to Poppa for the clan wall. I will now go and speak to the clan Im in. Out running btw so excuse my misspellings but this was important.
  17.  Thanks Blablabla . Nice post.
    Unexpected post really. You seem like the most reasonable in your clan and fight back when you can.
    You've earned respect from us. 

    Almost feel bad for having to beat you with the blunt end of this stick I'm carrying now...

    Ok, feeling is over. Let the war continue 
  18. Respect to you blablabla for the clarification, and for hitting back. 
  19. Love every post by poppaespecially page nine. Haven't looked at this thread in a bit, pretty funny ****. Love this clan, glad to be apart of the family HoG We are a family, so piss one off piss us all of 

      ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟Ꮋ ͟ ͟Ꭼ ͟Ꭺ ͟Ꮢ ͟Ꭲ ͟o ͟ᵳ ͟Ꮹ ͟Ꮎ ͟Ꮮ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟Ꭰ