Heart Of Gold's War Tactics

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *mwmwmvmw____________wmmmwwwmmw (01), Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Nightmare you talk about statless alts talking and it not holding any truth. Wouldn't this hold true no matter your stat size? Example, Apoc member Weezus I believe it was talking previously about how a bunch of ZAFT wanted out of war but couldn't for fear of being strip farmed by ZAFT after the war? Saying you have all these screen shots but you won't show them out of respect for the people in those? I say if you are going to say you have these. Then prove it or it didn't happen. This is exactly what you are saying about statless alts, that if you have no stats then what you say means nothing. I do agree if you have a main why not just post with it but some just won't do it. People are gonna believe what they want no matter what anyone says.
  2. Jayde wrote
    "You represent your clan poorly, I'd be embarrassed if I were them"
    Firstly, I believe he represents the clans general consensus, your head is up lady-boys backside, secondly, no, not at all embarrassed, thirdly, if you were in our clan/group of clans, then yes, I would be embarrassed..
    Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one, some are cute, some are gross, some have little winnets hanging off them.
  3. @ prohpet

    Do u really need me to explain the basics of why I wouldn't want my allies to sell during a war!? ....... Wait maybe I do, since the way u war is to pin on an eb all day u don't really know what incoming is lol. So I'll break it down. When u war people. (Like 3nnui or defiant or even iparty) they give what we call in apocalypse, incoming. Now u dont really get this I know because u war like baby, and believe that osw means to hit an eb hard as ****. So, when u have gold out and get attacked, the enemy takes gold from your bank and this amount is multiplied more as more gold appears in your bank (usually from ally sales, in your case the eb bonus) so that's why my banner tells people I'm in an osw and not to hire allies. I hope I cleared this up for you. Take a minute. Read it twice so it sinks in.

    You talk about respect like its garbage. Well that's why nobody respects u. I give respect and I get it back. Honestly could care less how u or ur band of forum warriors feels about me. But I'm glad to help sort any questions you have with the game 

    Here to hold prophets hand
  4. they make money then strip you win win

    and nighmare can't spell :lol:
  5. You spelt nightmare wrong 
  6. You spelled "spelled" wrong.
  7. @ --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--

    Dude, we've already established why FAITH entered the war so quit crying about it and take your butt whipping. While I'm at it, if ZAFT had needed help they could have asked their allies at the start of the war. You had them outnumbered by at least two clans. They still can. If the idiots running Apocalypse think a clan as old as ZAFT has no allies they're dumber than I thought.

    Apocalypse is still intact? Perhaps you're not aware that one of your leader board clans just imploded and Poppabear is running around now trying to play guerrillas in the mist apparently unaware that he can be tracked by his forum posts and clan war history. Oops. (Note to Poppabear: You cleared the EB history, but you forgot about the war history, didn't you?)

    You want to talk about builds? Hat and Deadly are now turtles in a race to see who can build the most towers. It still didn't save hat from dropping of the lead board, did it?. Even Chongo's been slowly adding defense. As for spies, count the number of pure spies in MG now and get back to me. If Chongo left, MG would drop like a rock. You've stripped 80 tril? Your leadership can't even count that high. I see plenty of naked Apocalypse members and you've had more runs than a cheap taco stand selling bad burritos. Over 25 from MG alone.

    Your entire alliance reeks of fear. You know it's matter of not if, but when another Apocalypse clan breaks. You can't rush people from clan to clan anymore to shore up the weak spots because you don't have the numbers. And your attempts to recruit more clans to your cause haven't worked out. Yes, I've heard about that. People know a losing cause when they see one and the smart money is on ZAFT. They haven't been around as long as they have because they lose wars. They win them.
  8. I've had a lot of private messages from people locating HoG runners. Here's a few I don't have old names for.






    Thanks for all your help!
  9. Name one big account zaft has stripped clean
  10. And post with a main. I'm done responding to cowards
  11. You don't have to strip clean to do damage, nightmare. Hatf1eld's build may have saved him a lot of gold, but in the process it costs him 8 trillion, comprised of the tearing down for towers, and then tearing the towers down afterward to restore the build. Even the conversion on chongo is a hit, even if it's noticably a drop in the pond. Personally, I don't care how this war goes.... just how much is lost in the process. All this started over an issue that likely could have been resolved had egos on all sides not been oversized. Now, I don't care who wins.
  12. @ --UnDERWear_MaCHiNE--

    Back at you, Sparky. Name one ZAFT player you've knocked off the top 50 leader board. Ask Hat. He checks it everyday hoping he'll wake up and be back at #31.
  13. Sigh. Forums have gone to poo. Lets revisit in a month ok sunshine.
  14. Lol at all the noobs on this thread! I am fighting in the best war I've seen during my time in KAW and can't be any happier than to be fighting with like minded brothers and sisters in apocalypse. Just a side note here, I don't see any apocalypse members threshing on zaft, presumably because zaft doesn't deserve it, zaft wars and does a fine job at it. Guess what, so does the apocalypse family. I have fought along side apocalypse in many wars and have never seen a dull moment.

    Great War thus far and I give respect to our leadership as well as our opponent.
  15. Nightmare I made my statement very clear that it matters not of stat size if the truth is the truth. It will still stand tal and be seenl. As a follower of this war via LB board
  16. Sorry for errors in grammar and half what I wrote was cut off for some reason

    I watch the war from LB standings
  17. Ok I give up. Keeps cutting off what I'm saying. I give. Good fight and good luck both sides...lol. I admit my forum failure :(
  18. @ --UnDERWear_MaCHiNE--

    Whatever Sparky. I thought you weren't responding anymore? Either you are or you aren't. Make a decision and let me know, okay?
  19. LOL!!!!!!

    HoG is go to be the stupidest clan on kaw. First they attack faith and draw them in and now they attack 46. .

    Go apoc!!! At this rate you'll have all of kaw on your ass
  20. Nice try you attention whore lol