Heart Of Gold's War Tactics

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *mwmwmvmw____________wmmmwwwmmw (01), Jan 31, 2013.

  1. That crashing sound we all heard at the last update was the sound of HoG falling through the leader board. The sudden thud was the sound of them stopping at #134

    Meanwhile, that military and strategic genius Poppabear has begun preparing for his insurgent campaign of terror and "ultimate doomsday scenario". HoG members are fleeing and changing their names into barcodes and such in the hopes that they can hide and strike invincibly from the shadows. Note to Poppabear and HoG. You can run, but you can't hide.

    Poppabear: llIl______IlI___lIl_______llIl

    Mommabear: lIll______lIIl_____lIlI____llI

    Even those really long names can be found:


    It's not so long it truncates on pc. You're simply not using the right browser. ANY name can be found and copied with a pc and the right browser. Here's more bad news. They can be copied, pasted, and sent to people in private messages, thus enabling those using idevices to find you too. Your plan isn't brilliant and as you can see it's far from bullet proof. It's so stupid it confirms my suspicions that despite your stats, you're an OSW noob and anyone who follows you is an idiot.

    All you're doing is giving money to the Devs. ZAFT and FAITH doesn't even have to do the work to find you. People all over KaW who don't like you and have scores to settle with HoG are busy tracking you and reporting your new names back to them. You might as well go back to HoG and take your beatings.
  2. More  posts from  zafties and their alts Less chatter more splatter  go create another illegitimate account and talk more  if it makes you feel better, but it's def not helping you win this war 
  3. So true all heart of crap is trying to change names but the record always stay in clan lol x fury dumb asses lol go zaft disband apocalipto
  4. Yes...it's pretty easy to track. I like that Speaker is providing a list, though. Keep going!

    Need some help?

    (that was not in support of any statless alt...**SUPPORT MIN STATS FOR FORUM USE**)
  5. Yes jayde despite what u all may think, zaft needs all the help they can get. They proved this by siding with faith.

    Any family getting stripped of 80 tril would grasp at anything id imagine. They already grasp at the statless alt for posting and faith won't be the last alliance they bring in.

    Bring it on.

    Oh and by the way. Can someone please point me to the nearest big apocalypse member who has been stripped clean? Oh. There's none? Ok. Zafts only victories on laoda wall have come from RL issues. Those players still all intact. Along with all of apocalypse. Zaft can't say the same. Zaft are the first ones to tear down entire build into spies. So anyone that knows anything knows what that means.

    Jayde. I can't say I'm surprised ur looking for a place for your head up laoda bum too. Just disappointed I guess.
  6. Nightmare, as has been shown in the past few days, perhaps you should educate yourself on some REAL (not tabloid) KaW history before spouting off.

    Did you know I was a member of Zaft not two months ago? And still friendly?

    Or that HoG has been tracking me for months just because they have some weird personal vendetta and can't let go?

    So much you don't know, but go ahead. Keep trolling the forums and trying to spread the gospel of Apoc and how great they're doing. I actually believe BOTH sides are doing a lot of damage. It's how they compose themselves in public that gives me distaste for one over the other.

    Guess which one.

    And I have no interest in a head up anyone's bum, thank you very much. The air is much cleaner from here.
  7. History? I'm pretty sure I referred only to my war and ur head up lady boys bum. Which would be considered current events my dear.
  8. And ur such a hypocrite. I'm not the one trolling a war thread. I'm in the war. You and the statless alts are the trolls.
  9. LOL go apoc
  10. i think what this thread needs is some of those welcome_machine gifs
  11. Ohhh look at all the new HoG alts being used as name holders. Surely someone has broken TOU by having too many of accounts.

  12. No idea who "lady boy" is, nor do I care. Your responses are so childish and unintelligent, they are actually DIFFICULT to respond to.

    History matters in ANY war...or did you not take those classes in grade school?

    And last I checked, forums were a public place, and this was a public thread. There is no "rule" stating that if you are not IN the war, you can't post. IN FACT, I'd say the opposite. Let the public talk about the war. People in it should get out of forums and back into the battle.

    You represent your clan poorly. I'd be embarrassed if I were them.

    That is all I am saying to you.
  13. Actually the clanless/hidden spy tactic is one that Ive used with great success during strips. We didnt use them to try to pin the enemy though, just cooked unholy and burnt xtals during large strips , and only when we were REALLY outnumbered.
  14. As badly put together as a loada thread.
  15. I actually now am wondering... is there any proof that the so-called CFs have gone both ways? Perhaps it's likely that those who are allegedly out of the war are still hitting.
  16. @jayde

    If its so difficult to respond to then I applaud your effort! Takes a real champion to type a bunch of words, good for you for getting it done. And I wouldn't worry yourself with how my family feels about me. You are the only one here who should feel embarrassed.

    I will say this though. I have never trolled or even posted on a war I wasn't involved in. I hold myself higher than that. I respect warriors. And I sure as hell am nowhere in forums bumping and supporting what a statless alt says. I hold myself higher than that too. You look like the noob putting yourself on these statless alts level. U gotta jump a plane to get on my level. But you gotta be this tall to ride  and u fall short.

    This is my last post engaging the noob jayde.
  17. Bahahahahahahahaa

    Another person playing kaw for respect and honor. . Leave your real life morals at the door mate. This is called a game. You'll never gain any respect or honor from it. I promise 20 years from now people won't be praising you for how honorable of a player you were on kaw.

    As for your respected warrior crap. Bahahahahahahahaa. I've warred with most all in this war. Ain't nothing impressive about Apoc expect the sheer numbers they have. As single clans they simply aren't impressive at all. You want "respect" quit hiding in large packs and learn to defend yourself. That ego trip you all get from having such a large family is what got Faith involved. Get over yourselves already, cause the rest of us are.
  18. I love your banner nightmare. I assume since nobody can higher your allies, that you aren't hiring anyone's either right? Do unto others...
  19. there's one more too, lol. "osw hire and I'll hit you"? What if I'm not in the osw and hire then? xP You sir, need to get things straight first.
  20. HOG Is NOT falling apart. They are strong and will help Apoc win the war.