Heart Of Gold's War Tactics

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *mwmwmvmw____________wmmmwwwmmw (01), Jan 31, 2013.

  1. "Man Up" ? You're using an stat-less alt buddy...can't even "Man Up" yourself. :lol:
  2. Fight bell has been rung. Y'all get back to it. ...lol
  3. Those of you saying that HiT called in Sabo, that's bs.
    Sabo currently have 13 members in the Apoc/Zaft osw. They're all friends of those in Apoc and they are all war hungry, I can guarantee that every member in ZAFT is not a perm, meaning that there are also a few friends there.
    The reason our clan page says out to war is because of those 13 out, and then a few more out causing trouble because that's what we like to do. Then there's also the rest of us out in allied clans visiting friends and other, including myself, out growing and making some new friends.
    I'll apologise for bad grammar/spelling, in a rush and wanted to put my 2 cents in as everybody else seems to be.
  4. I don't know why you all are so reluctant to admit that Sabotage is in this war, albeit hitting from The HiT Squad.

    Other than it negates your argument for Faith joining the war (Sorry...I read LP's wall, too, and the guy was doing what I've seen many HoG members do...pounding his chest and not thinking of the consequences. Faith is in. Accept it, war on. Stop "blaming" people, it makes you look you're whining and can't handle the added pressure.).

    Sabotage has good warriors who have been war starved for a long time, and who do have a certain distaste for Zaft. So many of them joined the war (clan page = "Out for OSW"). 13, according to a member, and quite frankly...to me, even 2 people joining a war means your clan is in. We all represent the clans who we fly in our banners/call home. So 13 means Sabotage is in the war (as I say Osiris is in the iG war).

    My point being...stop denying their existence in this fight. They're in it, and they deserve the recognition for it. When this comes to a close, they'll be along side you for the win/loss as well. Denying they're in, to me, is just insulting to THEM.

    Back to the popcorn...who's got the beer?
  5. Looking at it that way Jayde, I think I might agree with you.
    I'll be watching from the sidelines as I'm too small to join
    Good luck to all involved!
  6. Ooooo cute an alt posting how they are kicking the crap out of someone.

    he's full of crap
  7. I think if you trolls actually read my post, i am quite humble about it and accept i acted hastily . That being said im no war runner and still fighting strong  bring those hits coming im fine with it. LP022 played me well and it is what it is. Sit and talk on the sidelines if you must, play speaker of "truth" if you must, but people in this osw know how its truly going. What yo dont see on LP022 is her instigation and responses. Think i was just having a 1 way convo with myself? Your choosing to be blind to that fact amazes me. Post with mains and find out how hard i fight later 
  8. All I have to say is.

    Op they got you posting with an alt like a gutless coward, so they definetly have an edge over you... :lol:

  9. Confucius say: "Taste of own medicine goes well with butthurt cream."

  10. @ Zrek aka MWMWMW

    Dude quit crying that you were played. You weren't played. You were stupid. We've all read LP's wall. You had an ally hired and tried act like you were a bad ass or something. (Here's a tip. Read Jayde's thread on ally hires during OSW. Maybe she can bump it for you.) LP's a former ZAFT clan owner and has been in a lot of wars, yet you tired to treat her like some noob because you're a big bad Apocalypse alliance member. I think the word you used was "scrub". You got exactly what you deserved.

    As far as being humble goes, that was after you'd either realized or were told by your leadership what an idiot you'd been. Poppabear wasn't a happy bear, was he? And I know how this war is going. You're losing. You were losing before and now Apocalypse is panicking because suddenly they're the ones outnumbered. It was all fun and games when you had the numbers, wasn't it? Now it's not so fun anymore, is it?
  11. @zrek you must be new to the game. Experienced and old School warriors are taught very clearly never to trash talk in forums or on walls. Highly doubt Lp was trash talking back to you. Even Laoda tells his members to respect the opponent and to not leave unessasry remarks on their walls for certain reasons
    1. So they don't have a link back
    2. You don't sound like a whiner
    3. Cause it's more professional that way

    We just find it amazing that HOG can fall apart within a day after FAITH took over. So yes you have a great master plan of going rogue and hitting around, but how do you track your own members?

    The reason for clan wars or in this fact people to be in clan to war are for certain reasons

    1. You're tagged with a rank number in case you get stripped its easier for members to get a hold off you
    2. Better communication instead of swapping apps to communicate
    3. If you're in the war, make everyone share the heat. What makes you damn sure those out there clanless are hitting? For all you know they are hitting their own alts while their supposed clan mates takes the heat

    Good war tactics but surely there's a flaw in that too. So it's more of an open discussion more then who started what and why it started. Hence the title HOG war tactics
  12. Pretty sure im not mew. And i know the wall rules so i have only myself to blame. Frustration gets the better sometimes  talk trash all you wan ill leave you here to your forums as thats all you have
  13. Yes you're not mew cause new is a Pokemon unless of course you're telling me you are one which I highly doubt so too.

    And I appreciate the fact that you constantly come back here in forums to check the status of this thread. Besides its about you anyways so I guess it's fine to come back often to check.

    Find it funny that you guys keep saying leave it as that don't wanna entertain you and so on but secretly you guys still come back to check.

    One more thing not a good idea to post here often zrek cause they they know you're active and you might want to change your alts name zrekotgnob1 cause it's easy to trace you
  14. One you guys are getting raped and you know it also apoc falling apart hahahahhahahahahahahha u make me laugh noob...:/
  15. ^ oh look another alt
  16. I am curious if Poppabear has anything to say about the SS of conversation over strategy? Maybe he hasn't even seen this? I can't recall seeing him in forums too much.
  17. Thanks for the shout out, Speaker lol. Feel free.
  18. Was about to read this thread then noticed the alt op  ******* idiots and their alts. You're seriously going to try and tell someone to grow a set while posting with an alt ??  Some people's children 
  19. *wonders why just about every single person screaming and crying about everything regarding this osw isn't just shutting the hell up and fighting an actual osw instead of wasting time, space, and memory data in this forum*