Heart Of Gold's War Tactics

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *mwmwmvmw____________wmmmwwwmmw (01), Jan 31, 2013.

  1. @ HiT__R0L4ND-1337__HiT

    You haven't seen ZAFT on here crying about the about the outside clans funding you or the multiple accs in clan Shadow that aren't Apocalypse either, so what's your point?

    And you did bring in clan Sabotage members to replace all your runners. That's why their clan page says "Out to OSW" and there's only 8 members there now, so why are you here denying it and trying to downplay it? It's been known for awhile and no, it wasn't used as a justification to bring in multiple clans. Your allies in HoG did that. If you have stupid allies, that's your problem. Don't come here and cry about it.
  2. lol Shadow is made up of all apocalypse me members no outsiders in that clan.
  3. Yawn . Is it something I said ? Ok let me speak in toy town language .

    All warfare is based on deception.

    This kids means anything goes as there are no rules. So what if Faith was paid by Zaft to join 

    And this nonsense kill or be killed or you started it so well finish it. Umm how ?
  4. @ Lord-of-Steel

    I counted more and what's your point? When you outnumbered ZAFT by 60 players (your count) it was alright but now that FAITH entered the war it's suddenly unfair? ZAFT could have asked allies to enter the war on day one and they didn't. They warred you outnumbered and were beating you anyway. Don't come and complain now that the numbers are against you because HoG had an idiot for a member. The fact is, if SE didn't have idiots for leaders, you wouldn't be fighting in the first place. If you have complaints about the status of the war I suggest you take it up with SE. Maybe they'll give you an honorary clan tag.
  5. Lmao 'paid' you live in a dream world Robbie
  6. **** it don dumber, I can't wait for 30 minutes. Please tell me now.
  7. Seriously no popcorn? Soda? Well to stay on topic..I want this war to go to the clan who wins.. :lol:
  8. There's no point arguing with the alts.

    ZAFT called in allies, and that's that. Pretty sure we don't have to defend it to the 0 stat forum idiots.
  9. LOL yep we called in allies by making a HOG member mouth off on walls hmm 
  10. Bunneh, no you didn't know that, that's why you edited your post after Jayde pm'd you and told you

    Hog member 2 - "All Warfare is based on Deception". This is a kid that has played MW3 on too many times. don't give me your crap spill about it being from the Art of War(an extremely outdated book to base modern war tactics). Today that book is nothing more than a reference book for strategist, much like Romeo and Juliet is to a writer.

    Lop. 5 minutes you can wait for it

  11. :roll: Sure.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. You said it sister.
  13. Buff don't try to understand. These are the same people that think by SE negotiating (bullying) ownership of 2 letters with one smaller clan it then owns those letters and none of kaw is allowed to use them.
  14. Lol Nellis I was thinking the same thing

    Apocalypse can farm zaft members
    Apocalypse can have allies helping
    Apocalypse can farm other clans but don't they dare join in

    Apparently ZAFT can't whack there members
    FAITH can't defend there members
    ZAFT can't have allies helping as that means 'apocalypse have won'

    Hmm that's the art of war by apocalypse right there 
  15. There's your 30 minutes mate. Still nothing. Buahahaha
  16. You forgot ZAFT can't have SE in their name or defend their members when farmed
  17. You don't need me to look like a damn butthurt idiot. 
  18. Here is my out take on this. And yes I know you are going to say you aren't in the war so it doesn't concern me but seeing as how you came to forums with it. Yes it does concern me and this is why...

    Everyone knows that Apoc had Sabotage join to help. It's clear as day on their clan page. That in itself is asking for help, no matter how big or small the help.
    Did FAITH join on purpose, it doesn't seem that way according to the wall search. it looked like someone made an ass of themselves and now he realizes it and left Apoc and changed their name hoping it would draw fire from HoG.

    It would seem the only reason to bring this up in forums is to try and draw support from other clans in hopes they would join the fight against ZAFT.
    To say you claim victory if Faith doesn't back out sounds a bit ridiculous.
    It's already happened and I don't know that anything will change to have them back out.

    So let's call it good for now and ring the bell for another round.
    DING!! DING!!
    good luck to both sides and may the best alliance win.
  19. 1) How many allies hired initially ?
    2) Names ?
    3) Values before hiring ?

    Can answer ?
  20. Its in the IG/LR threa lop