Great retort machine. Why don't you explain that to the members of apoc and get them out of the forums and onto the battlefield. Leave the forums for us forum warriors.
@Heart_Of_Balls ZAFT do not know who you are , please do not post for ZAFT. If we want to make any statement, the leaders will post. We have no need for people to broadcast our war for us. Never had the need to. Just to clarify some of the points mentioned here. We been through a lot of OSWs, made alot of friends through them, and enemies as well. Our contact and network spread vastly in KAW world, ZAFT is but one big clan. We do have alliance, we do have friends, our friends came to aid us, why would we say no? Laoda's wall have stated his reason for this war and what ZAFT is fighting for. FAITH and ZAFT have always been close. We had our differences before, but that's long settled. This is an OSW, diplomacy, tactics, communication, funds, commitment, everything goes. If their strategy is to apply guerrilla war tactics, we will have counter measures for it. If their strategy involves mini-bank and alts in other clans, we will back track them. If FAITH joins the war against HOG, then come up with proper terms for FAITH to back off the war, that's diplomacy, and not threaten them further -_-" "Oh ZAFT have been plotting against Apocalypse a long time ago!" stop imagining things, we have better things to do then to plot a war, our clan is large and daily activities is intense enough for our leaders and admins. If we do indeed plan to atk Apoc, we will just attack apocalypse directly, why need a reason... Btw, hi ZEUS, hi Hot Angel
I'm only going to make one post here to correct some gross mistakes. Claiming that Apoc brought Ultra Clan and Sabotage into this war is absurd. Months before this war began a group of members decided to leave UC and join hit. This should be obvious in EE history and the fact that they have changed from UC to HiT tags. Nice try though. Sabotage has had their own past with Zaft. They requested to join the war and they were told no as we weren't looking to bring in extra people. As one of our oldest allies a few members decided to leave their clan and join HiT. If you are really trying to use a small handful of friends to justify bringing in multiple clans that's sad. You haven't seen us crying about the outside clans funding you or the multiple accs in clan -00- that aren't zaft Forums is part of war... But the amount of trash that is being spewed is insane (and this includes both sides). Stop trying to turn everything into propaganda and spend your time fighting instead. Your turning a large scale respectable war into noob drivel
Lmao machine. Please tell us how much you stripped of the regs during that war? I know how much I stripped off apoc. But all that a side you are right. I'm a donut warrior. I spend my time gathering data, sneaking alts into your clans, gaining your trust and using that trust against you. It's the sad lonely life of a forum warrior. But someone's Gotta do it.
@ Zrek or whatever he's calling himself now. ZAFT already outnumbers you drastically? Dude, lay off the crack. Here's a list of the clans Apocalypse has in the war that I know of: 1) MG 2) THS 3) HoG 4) KotFE 5) KotFE-A 6) CR 7) CR-O 8) TS 9) SE 10) WoG 11) Fury 12) Shadow How do you figure you're drastically outnumbered? And let's not forget you've been constantly bringing in fresh bodies from all over KaW to replace runners. You've had the number advantage since the start by at least 200 players. Now suddenly because you were an idiot and farmed FAITH's clan owner and brought them into the war you want to come here and cry about being outnumbered? Dude, grow a pair. ZAFT wasn't here crying about numbers when YOU had THEM outnumbered. Man up and deal with it.
I wonder if don has ever you know really talked like this in wars he has been in. I claim to remember that I was yelled at for not being half as bad as don while in OUR war. Don why don't you get on a side and stop hiding behind a respected clan as 46 (ampersand) 2. You need to learn your place. Even if you have friends there (Hiya Jayde ) you need to learn to just shut up. And yes i know you are iPropet :roll:
Speaker at start of war the numbers were pretty evenly matched. We outnumbered the zaft tagged clans by maybe 60 members.