L' alurl aglust d' jal nindol zhah nindel apoc llaar talinthe jal d' nindolen lodias ph' ussta alts! Nind zhaun HoG zotreth uns'aa lu' t'yin tried ulu jivvin ol d' 'zil ussta fault saph nind xunus xuil Lp022. P'luin Usstan orn'la naut fre'sla harl nind threaten ulu neitar vrine'winith pholor uns'aa ven p'luin nindol thalack ends ka Usstan valm. Usstan though Usstan zhahus natha forum sargtlin Usstan xun naut zhaun ele nind ph' ji ezsakil bauth ol. Plus Usstan nind ph' xunin ji al qua'laen ZAFT saph nind phlyle ol zhal'la naut selg'tarn ditronw?
Loktriamen, dos llaar talinth google 'udtila naut inbal natha website whol nindol xanalress? Doer pholor.
Evagna uns'aa xal sargtlin. Usstan ichl tlun ilythiiri reigning dal l' qu'ellar d' forum sargtlinen. Udos xun naut hass'l ulu olplynir dosst golhyrr, udos er'griff ilindith ulu plynn jatha'la number draan pholor apoc
One day, months from now, this war is going to end. There's a lot of fighting that has to take place between now and then. The measure of success is not going to be who best slandered who on forums. The manner in which one side walks away victorious is going to define them. Don't think the doorsteps of the barking miniature poodles won't be darkened (again). The vultures of this war will have no quarry. Proud of our apocalypse members biting their tongue and taking their aggression out on their targets.
Aren't vulture classified as scavengers? scavenger: 1. One that scavenges, as a person who searches through refuse for food. 2. An animal, such as a bird or insect, that feeds on dead or decaying matter. Not that scary really.
Please refrain from having conversations in forums in languages other than English. The RoC are very clear on the issue - you are not allowed to do so.
@weezus You should bite your tongue and focus on helping out your crumbling alliance. Again I repeat, this thread was not made to trash talk but instead to discuss HOG's epic fail war tactics. I would also highly recommend alts to talk in out here. It's more fun that way instead of making it 'legit' with mains. It's only a discussion no wrong or right answer. Just free your mind with thoughts.