I am amused. I was accused of being iProphet once, too, Speaker. Isn't it annoying? Not everyone is him, guys. Some people actually disagree with you on their own.
Wow. You really ARE an idiot. You DO realize that was a FICTIONAL thread created by someone I don't even know, who was asked to stop posting by me, right? It was actually quite creepy. But please, replace genuine intelligent answers with your laughing faces. It certainly proves your point....whatever your point actually is. I'm not sure, really.
You know it! I'm so butthurt about the apocalypse alliance, I'm bringing back old, retired names to bring them all down with my statless, noob wrath! :lol: :lol: Long live the Prophet alts! We will march our prophet army up to your doorsteps and run you all into the ground!!!!!!!
HOG are such good strategists. Did u hear the one about their brilliant plan of leaving clan and using random mnmnmnmnwnmw names didn't work? Most are home again? But there was one extra? ZAFT put their own mwnwmwnwmwn alt into HOG and it got axcepted. funny. Don't believe? What's that? Oh there are even screen shots from CC when Tom_slick found the imposter n got him booted about 6 hours ago! Funny. Ask Tom if u need proof cause what would i know. I'm just an alt of an alt right. mwhahahhhahahahaha!
You don't have to feel left out. When it comes to this thread, anyone who posts with an account with less than 4m cs is an iProphet alt by default. Welcome to the iProphet alt club, mate. :mrgreen:
@drow Lor ol's jalbyr iProphet alt! Luckily udos inbal udossta ehmtu xanalress ulu communicate xuil lu' ol xxizzia ser zuel d' jal l' alts