Heart Of Gold EB warriors not fighters.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *VapoRub (01), Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Is it true that FAITH will now join ZAFT because of a HoG member and his premature farming? :lol: :lol:
  2. Well, FAITH cleared EB history so it would make sense
  3. Been busy pretty for the last few days, so let's address a couple of old posts

    @ PubicSpeaker

    You're right. You're lazy. A quick check of HoG's eb history for the eb in question shows half of the top 10 hitters were attack builds. In a bit of irony the top hitter was Warhero, with 211 actions. I don't know how you play KaW but in case you weren't aware, it's pretty inefficient to have attack builds pin troops on an eb during a strips. As for the strip amounts, reread what I said. Wheezy's bragging they stripped 12T, then it was 15T. The actual amount was lower, and as I said, ZAFT's daily total MAY be lower. The fact is in war this size, it's not easy to know exactly how much is being stripped. I do know one thing. ZAFT is stripping more. A lot more.

    @ Wheezy

    You'd be ashamed? When did you develop a sense of shame? You had no shame when you ran from ZAFT. If you represent the strategic genius of Apocalypse, ZAFT has nothing to worry about. Let's face facts here Wheezy. You've been planning and preparing for this war for awhile. Apocalypse has been butt hurt ever since ZAFT's EE war clan began demolishing you every time you warred it. You made your plans and launched your big offensive. You shot your bolt and now you're been scrambling to replace runners and reinforce shaky clans ever since. MG lost another big player yesterday. Better find a replacement before they drop further down the leader board. You could ask hat, but he's already dropped off the top 50 and is continuing his slow slide downward.
  4. @ hydesd2

    You could ask llIlII__ZrekotGnoB_lIIlIlIlIll number 19 in HoG. He's being farmed by them. It seems he drank too much and started thinking he was 10 foot tall and bullet proof. That or he's just plain dumb. He got mouthy with a clan owner over an ally hire. (Note to Zrek: if you want to keep them, volley them up. Don't buy under priced allies and then freak out when they get hired)

    The story can be seen on LP022's wall. It's a masterpiece of chest thumping bravado followed soon after by some serious crow eating and butt kissing. I took screen shots to preserve it as a piece of KaW history. Too late Zrek. Next time think before you run your mouth. I'm sure your clan mates and the rest of your alliance appreciate the magnitude of your stupidity. If I were an Apocalypse member I'd be thinking with allies like this, who needs enemies? First I get into a war because some idiots in SE farm a ZAFT member over a clan tag. Now I have new clans coming after me because some idiot in HoG thinks he's invincible and he can do whatever he wants to whomever he wants because he has an alliance backing him. Man, is it too late to join ZAFT?

    While I'm on the subject, if some of you have been thinking about asking for a CF, best make up your minds pretty quick. All those comments on world chat ain't helping your cause and the rumor is soon there may not be anymore CF's granted. As Laoda said in his thread:

    "Leave apocalypse and leave this war. I do not wish to fight you. I wont say this for the second time. You choose to start with us, we will choose when to end it."

    Who knows? You might be the next player forced to do a JohnnyPizzo and destroy your build. It's happened before. Ask Johnny. The reason Chaos had to be Reborn is because the first one was destroyed. Think about it. But don't take too long.
  5. Sounds like fun
  6. Just a side note, once Last Rights war ends, do you think they will come for KOTFE since they butt in the IG/LR war :) lalalalala
  7. Given you've made a direct assault onto personal image, ill clarify a few things...

    1) I left ZAFT corporation after 1 year of playing there on excellent terms with all members. It was also at a time of peace. Only now have I faced hostility from anyone (one being you under a veil of anonymity, others from people faulting me for a build change I've been wanting to do for months - sorry you're not going to dictate my playstyle). I can pull up well wishing pm's from their members if you really want. I've kept most of them. And to respond to furry bun's post: I've smashed more back doors in while under a ZAFT flag than you have in your entire time there, I didn't go inactive and get stripped during OSW. In my time there I saw 10-15 OSW's and not once did I see you play an impactful role. Don't give up little buddy - hang on.

    2) Contingencies were put in place in the event of war with ZAFT as they are our biggest opponent. In the event of a heads up war we would need a strategy in place to be successful. No plans were ever decided upon or laid into a timeline. No action plan existed.

    3) EE wars are favored immediately and decisively in the direction of the bigger clan with the most players. Nothing to be upset abut there - ZAFT has more leaderboard players than apoc. It's not a mystery or a secret (Home > Leaders > derp)

    4) Both sides have seen runners. Both sides have had members with RL issues ranging from serious medical concerns to family accidents and natural disasters. We don't have the wall of one individual to post on, and our leadership is prepared to hear your concerns. We are people first.

    4) Our players have worked hard at making their way up the leaderboard and accomplished big things in that regard. But, mr speaker, that is not the measure  of success in this war to everyone (especially given only 200 players hit that leaderboard and over 750 are currently at war). All lb players involved have taken a hit, yours included.

    Keep to truths here little fella. If you have the parts, take your main into my news feed - ill show you a good time.
  8. How come all ZAFT Corp said you ran from the war Weezus  why do you keep denying 
  9. Well bun - had you not been inactive you could maybe confirm it yourself. I left after the LNR war, a couple of weeks passed and I moved on to TS to join members which had been integral to the ZAFT effort during that particular engagement. They are still over here and they fight tooth and nail.

    You were busy on Gaw or another MMO app growing your account there to contribute in any way shape or form to our war efforts.

    You can thank me though, I sat on your account keeping it pinned while it was stripped and farmed for days on end. Im only human and you were on once a week, so inevitably, they tore it down.
  10. Wow Weezus, I gave my old account away long time ago  you sure you did sat on me?! Wow see another lie from you. And yeah I know your last post will be your last post apart from the 103837382929 last post you have on all the other threads. Ohhhhhh are you sure did contribute to ZAFT in any way other then plotting this war? 
  11. Does anyone have a list they can post of runners from both sides?