Heart Of Gold EB warriors not fighters.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *VapoRub (01), Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Says another starless alt not baldy enough to post with main :D
  2. lol, I rememer when PoppaBear and Bears dan handed Iteams ass to then in an osw. Was in that osw.
  3. Huh? ^ didn't translate very well. Plz try again.
  4. If you were semi intelligent like most humans are supposed to be you might be able to re-word that in your mind to sound correct, also i am human and make grammar mistakes due to my drunk ass.
  5. I blame my smart phone sir. Every since I bought it I've gotten dumber. Guess I'm only quasi-intelligent now. Thank god for muscle memory. Pure reflex typing this out.
  6. 
    I BIG POPPA**
  7. Btw you bring disgrace to the name Noah.
  8. When Alts who have no relation to either side make guesses about how much ZAFT strip or Apoc you know it's total bs, they have no idea how much was taken. Speaker of truth, Hatfield said on a previous thread he doesn't care about lb rank.
  9. To both sides. Fight on and fight well.
  10. And keep dishing out the gossip. *eating popcorn*
  11. @speaker - Yet again you shine ingloriously through off the page with your half knowledge of what happened and why. I'd start being cautious about what you say and be very careful that account doesn't tie back to your main because you're making what most perceived to be a quiet giant look like a bunch of yippy poodles barking at the end of a leash. I'd be ashamed of the tone you use as I'm ashamed by our members who can't keep their mouths shut (mains or alts).

    I will not discuss tactics. I will not discuss our wins (our members hear about them daily - we keep ALL members informed). Are we moving out members around? Yes. They are filling different roles in different clans. You're welcome to celebrate that as a win if it makes you feel better.

    Do you hear rumblings? Seems legit, you might as well go score your information off Wikipedia. Maybe the national enquirer has a good read on the present morale of apocalypse.

    At the risk of slinging dirt with a well articulated invertebrate alt - ill leave you with one thought... Not in recent memory nor that in the collective memory of the old dogs at ZAFT has there been a war which threatened ZAFT as a whole. Mark my words, mark them well: there will be blood left on the ground from both sides. Our funds are drying up? That's a joke. We are just getting started.

    And for those of you **** talking and disrespectfully posting about either alliance (this goes for both sides)... Show some damn respect. Respect for your opponent and respect what has been an awesome war. One day, weeks, months, years from now this will inevitably come to an end. The words you use now will be remembered longer than your tenacity against your opponent. Remember that.
  12. Well said Wee let the poop talk stop it's unbecoming of both families I expected more we all know that both sides won't back down so how about everyone shut it and fight! This is a war game after all if I'm not mistaken. At the moment it just resembles the monkey pen at a zoo where they throw **** at each other.

    Keep up the gd fight and in 6 months a year we will see how this unfolds.

  13. When will devs implement a minimal activity time for forum posts?

    These statless alts are getting quite silly now.
  14. so first you say you fight FOR zaft and then you say AGAINST... Isn't that just a little fishy? Also I'm very sure HoG aren't EB fairies but tbh everyone is an EB fairy. We all do EBs it doesn't matter for what reason. We are all EB fairies just some know how to put their wings away and use their sword and others don't.
    I personally use my sword quite a lot
  15. Maybe it's just me but I'm actually finding this war newsflow to be weird.

    An alt posts (often unsure which side they are actually like on), the regulars come on saying post with a main, you're from t'other side, you're wrong. Then the thread starts to give a lot of accurate info away, a bit of smacktalk and it dies down.

    As such the alt posting for whatever reason is not relevant but the rest of the thread is often pretty good lol.

    Oh n I was impressed with the "who is outstripping whom" comment. Unusual to see such vocab on here .

    Disclaimer: I am not an alt, not in this war, I'm an eb noob at the moment and don't care if people think its none of my business. I feel like posting I will 
  16. This is clearly a ZAFt alt pretending to be an apoc alt pretending to be a zAFT alt pretending to be an apoc alt. see?

    -posted from my alts main alt
  17. I hear chongo asked dev's to up the nob use per 24hrs to $300 per day and he got his wish.just a game but that is ridiculous lol 10k a month . Good luck to all clans
  18. Ahhh, This thread is awesome!! Another desperate attempt to try to put down another Apocalypse family. War propaganda at its best. This Is a sign that the ZAFT members are starting to have doubt about this war. It's a desperate attempt to cause issues within the apocalypse family when it is actually the problems within ZAFT GOOD TRY , but FAIL 