Heart Of Gold EB warriors not fighters.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *VapoRub (01), Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Hansels are for repotting *
  2. Oh the lengths some players will go to in their attempt to discredit or demoralize opposing clans.

    Op, if you have any knowledge of how the forum works, you'll know that you could have had the most intellectually sound, proven post ever, but as soon as you said "I'm an alt" the rest of your post became irrelevant.
  3. Noobs posting noob stories claiming others as noobs... o_O you have no right to be in forum and I'm sending in a report to KaW to make a stat limit for forums all because of this war and the 11 alt made threads on it.
  5. You suck kid lol HOG 
  6. Then do it we don't care.
  7. @ZAFT alt OP...

    Eb's were started in those clans to accommodate crystal popping strippers. Apocalypse just successfully pulled off a 12T strip.

    @ Apoc members, please don't grace idiot alts with the courtesy of our attention. Lets keep to the battle field.

    True Spartans Admin
    Hot Air Balloon Entheusiast
  8. Dayum... That's intense... Who would've guessed? :s
  9. I've been corrected - 15T
  10. @weezus, you really come to forums to brag about a 12 tril strip? We strip that daily, or you were unaware of this because your number haven't come up yet? You tool. Should we start putting our strips in forums too?
  11. @ Silence - I'm here defending my alliance from being called eb noobs durin OSW. Not bragging about anything. It seems both our sides have resorted to alt posting nonsense.

    I mean no disrespect to anyone, no slight to anyone or anything more or less than what I wrote. I've lost patience for this alt crap. That's a big loss and it sucks but it is of course, the nature of OSW.
  12. He strips that daily :lol:
  13. And you'd be welcome to post the names of stripped members (you'll note I didn't name names or point fingers at any particular clan even).

    It's disappointing that its come to this, no one is saying the truth so ill say it...

    Both sides are fighting hard. Both sides are as evenly matched as any OSW I've had the pleasure participating in. Both sides have leadership rallying the troops and getting them fired up. Big strips are happening on both sides. A private battle is happening on the leaderboard and a massive skirmish is taking place with attack builds, Hansels and banks.

    No side is being destroyed one way or another and there is no clear cut win. One player isn't going to win this war nor is one clan. This is a battle of strategy and coordination and we are still just starting our dance.

    I have nothing but respect for ZAFT clans, your strategies are being executed as planned. But it's completely disrespectful AND foolish to think our side isn't employing our own strategies. We aren't warring this war to lose - we are in it to win it. And all clans involved which have been targeted know full well they are in a fight.

    Respect to both sides and all kingdoms fighting hard in this fight 
    And I'm done here.
  14. HoG seem to be in OSW mode from what i can see :roll:
  15. looks like a zaft alt trying to discredit apocalypse clans, oh well at least it keeps us entertained with silly threads like this.

    Keep up the good job on both sides, let the best win.
  16. @ Wheezy

    I see hat continues his slow slide down the ally leader board. Meanwhile Hit Squad has been sneaking in members of clan Sabotage to reinforce themselves. Apparently HS #15 Crystalee is the owner of Sabotage. Their clan page now reads "Out to War". Good luck. Maybe you'll get an honorary SE clan tag too once the war is over. Hopefully it won't cost you all your gold. A word of advice to all the clans trying to secretly help Apocalypse. It's not a secret and it will be remembered.

    I also hear Heart of Gold is accepting just about anyone they can get. Heck, they even made Robbie an admin. Vote for the funniest banner in HoG: #18 UnWired "RST now knows what it feels like to fight two clans at once" Seriously? You might want to take a clan count. Apocalypse has had at least two clans on every ZAFT clan. And you're still losing. Vote for the 2nd funniest banner in HoG #80 Olibear "Love burnin pots" Note to Oli: That's probably not the best banner for someone with hardly any pots themselves. By the way I've been told several HoG members soiled themselves when they started getting incoming from two big ZAFT clans. Buck up Oli. It only hurt for a little while.

    Monster Garage's roster is back down in the low 80's again. They might want to consider promoting some people up from their sub clan. Chongo's the only thing keeping them on the leader board at the moment. And it's just a matter of time before Laoda, Redstar and Cella break Congo. Chongo knows this. That's why MG asked the Apocalypse leadership to put more clans on the clan targeting them. Don't think it's going to help much. Robbing Peter to pay Paul isn't very effective. Peter doesn't care much for being robbed. A note to Chongo: Is it really worth losing everything you've worked hard for because of dumb a decision from the leaders of your alliance?

    That pretty much sums up Apocalypse's entire war strategy. Pick a clan and try to overwhelm it with numbers. Note to Apocalypse leadership. If you couldn't break a smaller ZAFT clans by swarming it, you're definitely not going to break a bigger ZAFT clan. Yes, you made big strip today. It's about time. ZAFT's stripping about that much from you daily. Maybe a little less, but we know who's outstripping whom here, and it's not Apocalypse. While I'm on that subject, why don't you tell us about how unhappy some of your clans are about being used as meat shields for the rest of the alliance? The comment I received was "We're doing all the fighting and taking all the hits and strips while they get to play pwar and talk tough"

    You're just starting your dance? ZAFT's not dancing. They're warring. They're a stripping machine with banks you can't even begin to match. If it wasn't for all the replacements you've had to rush in, this war would be over by now.