Heart of Gold Apology

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Redkjyh, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. A hollow container used to give shape to molten or hot liquid material (such as wax or metal) when it cools and hardens.
    A furry growth of minute fungal hyphae (subdivision Deuteromycotina, or Ascomycotina) occurring typically in moist conditions, esp. on...
    Soft loose earth.
    Form (an object with a particular shape) out of easily manipulated material.
  2. He called you a hollow container...
  3. Intimidating I know.
  4. Isn't the shape thing spelled 'mould'?
    Sorry if that's a bbcode fail, my first time trying on iDevice. 
  5. I dont think mould is a word :lol:
  6. i think it would sound like would or could not mold
  7. Lol only took an hour or two :lol: remember seeing it in wc and going
    Wooooo we got a badass over here he better have pots and fancy equipment :eek:
  8. I didn't have fancy eq or many pots...
  9. Waste of a thread please lock/
  10. ^waste of an account please /delete -.- ugh
  11. Mould is the British way of saying mold I believe. 
  12. Glorismal shut up before I poop on you.
  13. I heard bear poo is icky...
  14. i heard oli poo is icky... see glorismal your disliked get out of forums NOOB
  15.  at this page
  16. Heart of mold
  17. You two find it funny

    Would you like to make threads as well? 
  18. I see more threads coming.....I am scared of HoG for a reason. They hit me harder than my midgets. Plus they are sexy just like me