Havok - Absolute ELITE OSW Clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PoleDancingOlympics2020, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. Inserts popcorn gif here
  2. Still hitting any noob that hits me enjoy your destroyer
  3. In my eyes it's great seeing a few more smaller clans at war we all are not from the traditional osw clans ! But atleast they are tapping each other . Fight hard both sides but fight with class and dignity !
  4. Havok is trash I farmed them and stripped one of them. Haven't got incoming from them since.
  5. Hmm and you are now? Love pure spies that talk trash and hold out no gold. At least op isn’t that suckish... though close lol
  6. Ss or it didn’t happen 
  7. See I know aoe and how they operate. If they say 1 thing 9/10 times it was in reality,,,.the opposite 
  8. See i know how BC operate in thier sly ways , trying to be relevant boogey ? Make me laugh , always getting others to fight for you , didn't work out with havok  you should worry about your dead clan , all mouth u don't touch us 
  9. I got more inc the last four days from BC than I have the whole OSW. Sad but, you put about 4 tanks to dump their troops on a Hansel.
  10. Mighty EWOK , that's all I need to say cheers
  11. Don't even know why this thread is active Havok is a graveyard please lock :lol:
  12. Shut up
  13. Boi. You was whupped
  14. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Still no clue who havok is anyone who defended them clearly not in the clan 
  16. Just a bunch of OSW runners they all try to Escape when the poop particles hit the fan.
  17. What was the point again I read it out of boredom an I give it 2 lolz an 1/10th of a chuckle