Lets say a seal is dropped (hte open) every 1 mins on kaw. How many minutes in 2 years? 1051200 minutes. How much does a SOD cost? 59 nobility points. 1051200 × 59 = 62020800 You can get 10 nobility points for 99 cents (USD) 62020800 ÷ 10 = 6202080 (sets of 10 nobility points) 6202080 × 99 = 614005920 Devs made about $614,005.920 (USD) on SOD's in 2 years. This does not count xtals and other nobility purchases and propacks and whatever. This is a extremely rough estimate and i am very bad at math and even worst whilst intoxicated. I'm just saying, so everything i said here might be completely wrong.
Love how of all of the stupid amount of stickied guides I produced, this is the one that endures through the ages. 8/8 legacy.
Yet everyone doesn't complain when HTE BR 15% plunder bonus is ran (happily hitting it no less) and for an extra day even this BR run? Hmmm. Smh from them