Harry Potter RP!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by stacks_of_books, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. Ex, what do you mean, is Kris a real name?
  2. Not post RP threads
  3. Satan
    Can make people burn for all of eternity
  4. Well, Kris is usually spelt Chris, unless it's a Russian name or something eastern European...
  5. Guys who cares what he's doing just stop hating on the guy let him do his thang 
  6. If you want to RP take it to High School Hero where they like RP. Toodles!
  7. Lol, sad thing is, I know I walked into a troll's nest  Oh well, guess I don't care that much. Also, Ex, you're extremely narrow-minded. Kris is indeed a real name, which thousands, if not hundreds of thousands have. Chris is the typical English/American version of the name.
  8. Decipher, I'm pretty sure you're an a**, so I'm not taking your advice. From what I've heard, HSH seems to be almost as bad as 4chan.
    CALL TEH COPSthey need some gas
  10. ...and that's why fan fiction stays in fan fiction. The End.
  11. Yup, but butthurt ppl in Fan Fiction seem to think RPs don't count. Fml.
  12. ...and that's why RP has no place in KaW. The End (v.2)
  13. Oh my.

    You know, this would have got more support if we could have role played sesame street characters. I would be cookie monster...

    Nom nom nom nom nom nom....
  14. Sigh............ moving to fan fiction
  15. Am I going to get messages about how this isn't allowed or something like that?
  16. Do fan fiction threads not show up in the active thread list?
  17. no they dont, at least not on idevice.
    on comp they do.