Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Thanks for doing so! Just wanted to keep you guys in the loop also, I'am still working on this program and editing it with the suggestions as they come in! I've been going through a major transition changing universities this semester and my free time is extremely limited at the moment! Thanks for understanding, Harrian P.S. I'm going to put out a small update tonight that includes functionality for random wars because I've received tons of requests on the google feedback form for it.
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Sweet program you got here! But is there any way to make the window section only display numbers and not names?
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Yes! There are two ways to do this! 1. When the file browser comes up just click cancel and the program will automaticly go into CR only mode! --OR--- 2. After you want to get to the mainframe from loading your file tick the check box for "Hide Names," this feature was included so you can view the names quickly and easily in the UI but not post the names in clan chat.
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 No problem! v0.1.5.2 - -Added a war setting for random wars! I have multitude of features half done and I decided to leave those features that are unfinished disabled. The reason for this is those who rely on this program for tracking during war don't appreciate unexpected or information randomly appearing as wars are extremely time sensitive and mistakes can't be corrected in the middle of war. Please keep submitting feedback if you can! I get emails whenever feedback is added and I check it instantly!
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 This sounds a lot like the banned scripting engines but if mods aprove I guess its ok...
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Wish i could try this out, dont have the program
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Ty harrian! I use this to track almost every war it's easy and simple to use. Your hard work is great appreciated
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Thanks for all the great feedback guys! I'm just bumping to let you all know there will be a major update coming this weekend. I've gone ahead with some heavy design changes (coding wise not visually) and now I will be able to work on a few key features people have been asking about! Expect this update on Sunday at the latest!
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Thx Harrian, some one ask me the other day, i ask him to on you.. Ill test this later , cheers !!
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Harrian, follow me, that download has screwed up my computer. changed my browser settings and adds pop in up from everywhere.
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Thanks very much harrian finally we have a fighting chance against suf
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Making it so the Enter button clicks the KO button when editing time would be nice. Also hot keys would be an amazing feature for quick copy and pastes.
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Here's some answers to the most recent questions real quick before my systems analysis and design class starts, Right now I definitely don't have time to create and develop a enterly seprate version of the program; however I'm sure a windows emulator like will do the trick for you! That being said I'm not sure how the copy features will translate when using an emulator. It grinds my gears a bit that this comment was made on September 20th but the version of the program where this feature was added was released on July 20th! A full two months prior! Follow the formatting of the exampleusernamefilewithclanrank.txt and load that file into the program just like you would normally. Should be good to go after that! Note: you must use numbers for clan rank in the file, any kind of text (ex using "1." instead of "1") will cause the program to crash. Links are on the original post to every version of the program! Not quite sure what you mean by this. My simple *.zip file can't do this on it's own and filebeam is really good about not cluttering up the page with non-vital information, other than ads. My guess would have to be that A. you already had the issues or B. you clicked on one of the advertisements thinking they were the download. Run an a few virus scans and for the love of all that is holy get an adblocker. This functionality is already included, it has been since since version 1.5.
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 First, I want to say, amazing app. I'm glad you thought of this. Second, the app would be amazinger if you allowed numbers WITH names. Unless I was doing it wrong, I had to click back and forth from web pages. And I have a terrible memory.
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 This feature is already included! When you get the Windows Pop Up that lets you search for a file find the .txt file that has your usernames in it! If you want to add clan ranks separate each person's name from their clan rank with a single space!
Re: Harrian's War Tracking Application Alpha Version 0.1.5 Ahh! I see. I'm in love now. Going to try tracking again tonight!