Hard eb stategy for low stats?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by chip793, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Your clan wouldnt happen to be Roman centurians would it? Just lurking. And as everyone else has said skimming helps success % if the eb is harder
  2. It was just what the biggest said, everyone else simply followed him out of respect and ignorance, it's not their fault...
  3. No, I was their guest for a while, RC is a fine clan with awesome members! :)
  4. It was dragon lore wasnt it?
    I see the nq yesterday u were involved in. It being the biggest eb theyve done yet.
    And the links youve left on ur wall gave it away. So the biggest u say hmmmmm?
    That being said i cant believe u would be hit just cuz ur right in trying to grow effectively.
    What a load of fuckin . They deserve to get stripfarmed and see how quick they grow back if they actually start skimming.
    The person that hit u or the pathetic noob clan should probably speak up soon.
  5. No, it was one of our guests who did it, he's an old friend... But there wasn't any call for it, please don't attack the lore!
  6. They're good people, he was disrespecting me because I wouldn't unload and when I tried to explain he said "chips got this!" and left... I never said I could handle it and we only won because of the ones who came to help us...
  7. Chip you're better off in my sub clan.
    But go on and go to clans who can help you understand the game mechanics.

    Just for the record....
    For an attack build, skimming makes more gold for the person and increases overall plunder for the group as a whole.
    For a Hansel, skimming is the only way to be effective in generating gold.
    To be farmed for something you did right. Pathetic. Ask your so called friend come talk to me....
  8. You're in the New Hollow. Very good clan. You'll be fine there.
  9. Ok... I not do eb much. Whut is skimming? I vill most likely be trolllololed' for not know this?!
  10. Skimming is doing 2 attacks/assassinations then regenning and repeat.

    Male, skimming is not the only way to generate plunder as a hansel, in shorter eb's unloading actually can work better. Combined with other forms of money making such as volley transfer and ally trading, unloads work much better.
  11. So this "skimming" will get you more money than screaming hate at Apherium and unloading all your troops on him?
  12. I skim all the time! As said before, skimming on an EB you're almost too weak for increases % success and you make more money!
  13. @Germanicus: Skimming isn't only for EB's ._.
  14. I attack until 80% then try not to let it go above 95% so I don't waste any troops or time and make enough pots to deal some damage at the same time. I explained it a couple times and he just said "I don't need any help from you thanks.". :'(
  15. Skimming and unloading are the same number of hits per hour. Doesn't matter which you DO
  16. That's more or less what I said, but they wouldn't listen... They just saw me say that I make more gold and decided I was greedy, even though I spent everything I earned on pots to hit the ruddy thing! :-\
  17. 2 att 3 ass is skimming actually.
    If attacks arent working on haunting, or nq for that matter, use holy wrath (7.5 mil item) ( 23m att) most cost effective. Also u use less troops. Otherwise u would skim 2 att 3 ass, 1 att 3 ass, 2 att 3 ass, and so on (haunting wise)
    If ur failing on NML or destroyer, maybe use rain of fire (idk i get to doing hauntings asap)
    Anyways no worries about dragons lore, u were given wrong info, u questioned it publicly, and were set straight. So respectz to OP. I offer u that info grow fast bro. The skim is useful during drawn out pvp as well so use it to ur advantage
  18. Thanks, the reason I was skimming was so I could buy pots for when I attacked for realsies. Some people just can't accept when they're wrong I guess...

    I was worried that I might get farmed more for this, but seeing all the support you guys are giving is beautiful... Thank you all...
  19. Since skimming was explained over and over, there is no sense in beating a dead horse. Keep skimming, get your gold together, grow your stats, and go farm them back.