Harbingers of Conquest are Champions in my Eyes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by VibrantRose, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Agrees Devo, do there's no need to bring conspiracy theories to the forums. It only makes the losing side look worse.

    The other side does make claims to have notice the pure spy more than 15 minutes prior but who knows.

    Anyone with common knowledge of hansel plays knows that if you drop your attack build you aren't open right away. You're still dtw for attacks for quite some time. So unless they have proof of something they should save face, keep their chins up, and move on with kaw. No whine in the forums about it.
  2. Leaders did not fail. The support team failed, by allowing alts into the war.
  3. It's funny that you take the two words out of my original post and put so much of your own spin on it. My post was more of a show of support for my clanmates who i just fought 8 hours with than a rant about the end. Was i upset at the outcome? Damn straight I was as most would be after leading a war for 7 hrs and 50 min only to have it taken from you by an open osf in the final minutes. I think you will notice I didn't reference the specific incident in the post at all...for good reason: that wasn't the intent of the post.

    As to my reference to "dirty tactics: I have always felt stripping in system wars is dirty...osw: no problem. But in system wars I never have seen the place for it for such a short duration. That's my belief, obviously not yours. That doesn't make my belief nor yours right. We are just on two different sides of this issue.

    As the main communicator in our cc for the 8 hour war, I felt the need to bring closure to what we DID accomplish. So you can move on now to bash another person for supposedly not knowing how to war your preferred way. I'll take what I learned from this experience too and I'm certain it will change how I kaw from this point on. maybe someday I will strip in a system war...couldn't tell you what will happen.

    But at this point i kindly ask you to drop it already and move on.
  4. Okay. I stopped reading at page 7 to make this point soo don't jump on me if it's already been said.

    It doesn't mean ANYTHING if the other side has ss to prove they stripped a pure spy, because here's the thing: who is to say they didn't take the screen shots -after- the traitor dropped his attack building?? It's really simple logic guys!
  5. :LOL: Dondada,
    Devo said the complete opposite!

    I can't argue with or explain anything to someone who simply can't read.

    Dondata is "Write only. 

    You are very emotional about this for someone who wasn't in the roster. Why so angry?

    No no. Don't answer. 
  6. You are correct, I forgot about the DTW period on dropping a building.

    These are the facts as I know them (It can be debated that I in fact know nothing...my wife sure says that enough ):

    1. The barcode in question was a hansel.

    2. He had allies (2 I believe)

    3. Yes there were leaks (always are in a system war setting) but nothing catastrophic, as we were up 20 billion

    4. Some time in the last hour, said barcode spy dropped his troop building and a 400 billion ally was purchased/stripped from him.

    5. 2000(ish) hits later we drop to 40 billion in the hole and lose the war.

    6. Said barcode then comes on and makes some asinine comments in CC and we all wonder how he can be on yet not report a barrage of incoming hits.

    7. Barcode moves to YAFI his 2nd ally is gone and he stays a naked spy to seemingly end the hits that were coming in from pissed off members of Conquest.
    All that having been said...

    If, he is an alt of an Apoc member then ATA failed in stopping it, like they failed in so many ways in setting up these Anniversary Exhibition Wars

    If, he was an "ally" of someone on Apoc then that's the chance that you take by participating in a war with people you don't know...we all expect everyone to pull their weight and not just their puds.

    If, it was an act of a complete and utter retard, coupled with an act of exquisite timing by the Apoc crew, then I applaud them For securing the win for their team. Because that's what I would have done, and have in the past to secure victory.

    In the end it sucks ass to lose a hard contested battle, and both Conquest and Apocalypse are out of the Exhibition season. So there isn't much reason to continue arguing something we will likely never have a full and satisfactory answer to.
  7. I commend you for giving your team props for the efforts they put forth. But if you attacking another's strategy they take, you open yourself up for attack in return. I mean, the first thing you did was make a sideways comment about "dirty tactics" before you begin your speech of congratulations. You can't fault me for that, or for speaking out against what others had posted thereafter in regards to the war.
  8. Support to Vibrantrose, you are truly a good leader.
  9. Sorry for persistent...

    @warrior, mind ig you can post the SS? Thanks

    @dirtyanimals, mind sharing who that "someone" came forwards to buy 400b ally? If he/she was the savior, he/she should be proud of and respected instead of being "someone". Do you happen to know?

    @dondada, u are not in roster of both sides. It definitely surprised me on the way that you are making it your issue. Why?

    I don't mind losing. That's definitely a good fight from both sides. But I sure like to know why as this is "surprising".
  10. Lets try to put all the facts together and let judge them

    Our ASW round was a complete FRAUD: (on behalf of Clan 4 - Conquest)

    One of our team (barcode - ranked 40 in our clan) was an alt of a member of the other team and purposely threw the game - this is called CHEATING.

    Quick outline of the actions and anybody on KAW can judge for themselves:

    1. A huge, pure, experienced OSF coming to the ASW with allies - obviously he is not a noob and he knew how war works.
    2. We had an extensive discussion in cc pre war specifically about the fact that no OSF should have allies (in which barcode actively participated) - yet he kept allies and didn't disclose it to any of us.
    3. He had an attack bldg when the war started (SS already proved it). We all checked prior to war starting.
    4. He didn't cast simple spell to hide his allies with Mith so he would not get stripped.
    5. He basically did no hitting the entire 8 hours on opposing clan - his total was 35 actions only and he was our 40th ranked player.
    6. In the last 15-20 minutes of the game when it was clear that we won as we were up by over 23bil he suddenly started osfing for the other clan - loosing 1600-2000 actions and 70-100 bil in gold in a just a few minutes. He didn't need to do anything other then stay pink for 20 minutes - other clan had nothing they can do to close the gap without him. We were very clear in CC to everybody during the last 20 minutes to stay pinned)
    7. He never "noticed" the message that an alley was bought (although he was online at the time).
    8. How he didn't notice 1600-2000 messages that he is being attacked and losing (while online and awake).
    9. If the alley was stripped he could have easily just put the money away so the attacks stop yet failed to do so.
    10. He could have put up a bldg in a few seconds rather the allow attacks to continue for 20 minutes.
    11. He never self pinned so he cannot be attacked.
    12. He didn't ask our clan neither in cc or otherwise to pin him as he is being attacked so we can stop the leak.
    13. He didn't notify anybody in our clan via cc or any other methods (Pal, PM, wall) that he is being attacked.
    14. All of that attacks on Barcode came in the last 20 minutes of the game when it was clear that Conquest won and Apoc have no chance of catching up - If it was a legitimate action - would you wait to the last minute to strip an huge OSF or would you do it asap as not to take the chance that he drops or sells his allies, or that one of us will buy them, or that he will put up an attack bldg - would any of you wait for the last minute? (this is bunch of crap!)
    15. He could have dropped out of the war once started to get bombarded with 2000 attacks in 20 minutes.
    16. He had only two allies and he doesn't know who bought one of them or what is the name of the ally? Or what clan they ally was from? (and we are speaking about 450 bil alt - BS!!!!!!)
    16. Right after the war he had no explanation to any of these questions (Hence he was awake at the time).

    Each of these actions on their own make it pretty obvious that this was BLATANT cheating - but lets put them altogether . . . what are the chances that all of these happened together? at precisly the right timing to give Apoc the win?

    In case you are still not convinced add the following facts:

    1. Apoc passed a PM that he is going to open and they all knew to attack him in the last 20 minutes well ahead of time. (again - why wait?)
    2. Some members of opposing clan members admitted and even bragged on our walls that we had a mole who gave them the game.
    3. Although I didn't see it supposedly this player admitted either in forum or elsewhere that he opened up to his alt.

    Where is Barcode coming out and defending himself against all these accusations? Please fell free to respond and explain the points above.


    This is a very clear and simple case of blatant cheating that put all the ASW, KAW and your personal integrity to a serious question.

    Here is a simple suggestion for you to get your integrity back without "harming" the clans that won semi and final fairly.

    Next weekend have a special war in which our clan plays the clan that we were suppose to play at the Semi Final. If we win the following weekend have another round in which we play the clan that won it all. They should keep all their achievements and rewards regardless of the results of these wars with our clan. If they beat us give them another award - they earned it!

    If we win our 2nd round we should receive the same awards and achievements as winners of the Semi finalists. If we win our 3rd round we should receive the same rewards and Achievements as the clan that won the final.

    Finally, we should get at least the same amount of war tax plunder, achievements, and other rewards that the Apoc received. We all spent real money, many billions of gold and lots of time and efforts preparing and fighting this war, which we clearly won as checking the war history actions will show.

    While most ppl in Apoc fought fairly and had no idea that his is happening (and I have a lot of friends who were in Apoc), the win was achieved via cheating of some of their members.

    (Please note that I been playing KAW for almost three years and have never posted in forums).

    DEVS - Your prompt response and action will be highly appreciated.
  11. Small addition:

    If somebody from APOC bought the barcode ally as they claim - Who was it? Come out and brag about your brilliant move - nobody claimed ownership of the strategy that gave Apoc the victory - why?

    What is the name of the ally bought? It is a 450 bil one - nobody came and identified him . . . Why?

    Where is barcode response to all these allegations? Come out from hiding and tell your side of the story. Please explain to all of us in KAW what really happened?

    As they say - if it walks like at duck, quake like a duck, (and tastes like a duck . . . it is Barcode.
  12. It's a sham that a asw clan needs to cheat to win a war they should have respect other ppl and not cheat by having a alt in a clan and drop/strip it to get a win and the devs should do some think about this go GJ 
  13. As a non participant off ASW12 I have been so jealous of all the guys that got in. I've been reading a hell of a lot about different things that people have been let down by. But to me GJ has the hit the nail on the head about this cheating that has gone on by the elusive BARCODE.
    If people who are lucky enough to get in an ASW then they should stick to the rules and war till there hearts are content. Not cause a total outcry by resorting to dirty tactics and letting that happen.
    If it turns out that the barcode is an alt of someone in APOC. Then they should be stripped of their rewards. And conquest should get at least a reward that is equal to what APOC achieved.
    My hat gets tipped in your direction GJ for bringing an in depth number of facts that took place. And I hope the devs take some action.
    As for me. I will be strong enough to compete nxt year. I hope. So hopefully these matters will be addressed and the precautions taken to stop outright cheating like this from happening again.
  14. I think what all of Conquest would like to see would be an activity log from barcode for the war, probably couldn't include a pm list, and you'd be stupid to make certain discussions in Kaw pm anyway. But this little thing could ease a lot of minds.