Harbingers of Conquest are Champions in my Eyes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by VibrantRose, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Exactly.
  2. Yes war invited players that weren't in their roster into their war clan
  3. X524 this thread is about a mole we had in our clan. He switched from hansel to spy and got rid of an ally and played osf for the other team.
  4. What can I say..? in the 2 hours before war start, our member was screen all member.. n they found 1 pure spy with an ally..!  n he a member #174..( surely_loyal maybe I forget ) all was talk about it to kick by an admin when we got leak plunder or ask him to leave.. But he ( surely_loyal ) do a great warring with us ..! N the open hansel ( OSF ) is #40 ( barcode name ) he drop his att build  n his friend or himself buy the ally.. What the hell  they said 400b ally  who people buy that expensive ally on this time when all want to upgrade T5..??? 

    Btw.. I have fun to warring with you all guys
    Harbingers of Conquest maybe lose on war..! But you all know who the real winner..
  5. Pete - Lmao now stripping an osf is a "exploit" of war? Wow this just gets better.

    Spy- 2000 hits it easy to do with 200 people. That's only 10 hits per player needed bro and once it hit cc that the spy was stripped anyone on was hitting and xstaling if they could. Just nonsense.

    And look!!! Another member of your enemy saying that the pure spy was in fact stripped. Keep up your "pot dropping" ideals and your excessive crying about it. Nobody really cares. Stripping a pure spy has been around since osf first showed up, long before most(if not all)in this thread were even playing kaw.
  6. You're deluded. He dropped build for you... And told one of your members outside war to buy... Plain an simple. It was cheating. You had 201 players against our 199.
  7. Support for OP  You are a brilliant leader Rose and I Would happily war with your or anyone from conquest again. Congrats to all conquest players for a well executed disciplined war 
  8. And Dondada still yapping. Nobody said he dropped pots. He sold his att building, then got one of his at least two allies stripped. A player with what, 11 mil cs, would know what selling that building meant, so it was done intentionally, or he's really stupid. Stop talking about dropping pots, nobody else is.
  9. "All war is deception"

    Sun Tzu 
  10. Don 400 bil won't last 2000 hits, unless they had the spies just above pin.
  11. Jayde and WillyTheDeuce,

    Fair enough. You got it right: All is fair in war. The clever ASW rules exploit was deduced and used at the right time.

    This is all based on the inability to kick a bleeder, which Weezus pointed out in a separate thread. There's also an interesting discussion there with Benny about the difficulties with modifying the rule.

    Dondada keep "winning" in forums.  Good job in making this thread about you. There's no way I can rebut your insults and attacks. I am crying. I hope you are happy. I'm stunned into silence.
  12. So next war...sleep till 5 mins prior to war end..strip opp osf..whole clan xytal..win war...

     this is your war strategy...bravo...
  13. Harbingers Of Conquest
    We War With Pride n Honesty
  14. All I see here is excuses.

    Just saying. Alls fair in love and war.
  15. You're not impressing anyone with your failed attempt at trolling this thread.
  16. I see no problem with a strip. Common war tactic. What IS a problem is neutering admins so that they can't kick in a situation where you don't know the people you are fighting alongside. In this case, the fact that the spy in question was complicit is what makes this while deal ********.
  17. Whole deal ..*
  18. Pete you're(as in your side) cring like a baby, on a game, over something that is very common in system wars. Your team wasn't the first to ever have a osf stripped during war and won't be the last. Granted you couldnt kick it and that does suck and is something ata should have thought about. But the fact if you had spotted the strip fast enough to kick him and prevent the loses, you could have just as easily pinned him and prevented the hits as well.

    The op starts the thread out with "despite the dirty tactics", trying to take away credit from the other side, in stead of addressing this true issue of the pure spy with allies on your side. Several people claim he "dropped pots" and wasn't stripped or that there was some conspiracy between that pure spy and the enemy clan. Fact is, there wasn't, and neither is true. They watched and waited and finally decided to strip the ally which won them the war.

    Congrats to them for making the call to strip the ally, and shame on the op for going to the forums and posting in the manner of which they did.

    This asw is a joke. We all know that, but it is what it is and nothing we can do about it. Take the lose and move on. If you wanna speak out against the way the wars were ran by all means go for it. But don't discredit your enemies victory by say they used "dirty tactics" in a war game where winning is the objective. It just makes you look like sore losers.
  19. Donada, no one ever said he dropped pots. What he did do was drop his troop building. Thus, making him no longer a Hansel. This happened during the last 15 minute period of the war where you don't get a plunder update or have the opportunity to stop the strip because it's all over at that point.

    Whether he was an agent provocateur or just a moron is something that will only be known by the person or persons involved.