Harbingers of Conquest are Champions in my Eyes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by VibrantRose, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. I only have the 85 defenses achieve...
  2. You're a 900k combined hansel, he's a 10m combined attack build
  3. There's a difference in ability to war? O.O
  4. There are two sides here:

    1) Some believe that there was no dirty trick. Therefore, HoC didn't check for a pure-spy with allies. Also, It took HoA almost the entire 8 hours to find a pure spy with allies in HoC clan.
    2) The OP claims there was a dirty trick. That a hansel with allies converted to a spy with allies, which turned into an OSF in the last 10 minutes.

    Giving everyone as much credit as possible leads me to believe #2. The score was close throughout, with HoC ahead in the beginning before it turned to a turtle war, and ended at 360B to 400B. This is my opinion. I have no screenshots or proof. It seems like the simplest explanation to me.

    I don't understand why Dondada and Jayde are jumping in on this thread and claiming OP is lying or making excuses. But that's all right.

    I am not going to accuse people of trolling or lying. I can understand someone being defensive about "dirty tricks".

    Frankly, it was a exploit of the special rules in ASW. Re-read my bulleted list below.
    The most important thing is this is a possibility given the ASW rules.
    That's a fact no matter what you believed happened between HoC and HoA.

    - Pete

    Original post:

  5. @Martin
    Our team got a pure spy stripped. Maybe from the outside I dunno, but we got some great guys here who plugged the leak and we were able to pull through.
  6. That only showed that only noobs hit you..Nowadays with EB pots around, why would one unable to hit you successfully, even a hansel can hit me successfully with EB pots combined..
  7. @dark. Not at all bro. I do have a good laugh at the amount of crying and whining done over losing a war though. As if it's the first time something like this has happened in a war. And then tagging it with "dirty" tactics lol. It's just laughable. Go back two years ago and most you in this thread wouldnt have lasted for a month in this game with all those tears.
  8. He is making a point again:
  9. I've been hit about 3,000 times( not a lot compared to some.. I've defended about 1300 of those 3000, which is about right. You shouldn't be defending more than you're not defending, but nonetheless you should be defending some.
  10. Dondada, I don't think they were expecting the opponents to do this. They're mad over wasting time and xtals, they're mad that a single player made them lose the war and they had no opportunity to stop it and to be honest, I would be mad too. Some people took vacation days off for this war only to have it ruined by an idiot who decided to lose the war for them.
  11. Eric, my battle stats are 1000 losses to 100 defends. The op might have switched build, you don't know. He might only be warring NOW. I bet you netted those up after multiple OSWs. The op could have multiple reasons, all of them valid.
  12. Not op, Martin I mean.
  13. @ Pete. If he was doing a "dirty trick" and dropping pots for the other side, he could have done it the whole time and there's nothing anyone could have done to stop it. Why wait till then end under those conditions. Not mentions, I know it to be fact he was stripped of a 400bil ally.

    The problem is how op claims it may not be an honorable win for the other side. For one, it a game nothing really honorable about it. And for two, If you want to add real life feeling such as honor to game that's your call, but rarely is something in real war actually all that honorable. So instead of crying about it, keep your head up and give congrats to your enemy, don't try to down play what they did, which was win.
  14. Sorry Martin, I don't pick on or yell at people for their opinions in forums. We are all entitled to them. You just need to settle down a bit, hm?

    I trust my friends that I spoke to who clearly stated that they stripped the ally. It is stated on this thread as well by the other side.

    I have no idea why this has become such a big deal. One side will always lose a war, and that's ok. Pissing and moaning afterwards only brings you negative attention from the outside, making you look like sore losers.

    Take that as you will. I've spent too much time on this topic already.

  15. Jayde, your friends might have said they stripped the ally, but it could have been co ordinated between one person and the spy account that did the leaking
  16. What was the name of the pure spy/hansel
  17. That sucks, I spent like two hours trying to find the allies of the three pure spies with allies in our enemy clan. They had them hidden so I was going off wall posts searching for clues, but to no avail. We lost cuz like twenty people signed up for ASW but didn't do jack ****...
  18. He was a barcode Vinnie.
  19. Martin is just feeling froggy. But he is right. I don't cry when I'm hit. I've gotten multiple members from HoC hitting me right now and idgad. It's only a game.

    That's my whole point. It's just a game. Stop crying, stop using words like honorable and other crap. It's a war game where someone wins and someone loses. That's it.
  20. Its funny how you can even put 'emotion' and 'tones' on fonts.. AM I YELLING TO YOU NOW?
    am i yelling to you now?
    Anyway, you can always believe your side of story.. I have no problem with that.. Sore losers?
    I dont mind people labelling me that.. It is just a game.. Better be a sore loser in a game than in real life..
    I do agree, we both spent too much time in forum.. Im off.. The rest enjoy your game here.