Harbingers of Conquest are Champions in my Eyes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by VibrantRose, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Is there any proof that it was a alt, or is that just a assumption to make the clan feel better about loosing the asw?
  2. Panic, according to "the other side" he was a pure spy the whole time and they stripped him.

    And lol @ #8 in this clan. LT barcode. You mad bro?
  3. It's not like we could have solved the issue...The Devs picked the teams, and we weren't able to kick the pure spy because it was disabled...If I knew the ASW were handicapped with no way to fix major leaks, I wouldn't have joined...

    Anyways, great fighting with the rest of Conquest...It was truly and honor 
  4. There is no prove that is an alt, but he definitely did it purposely.. Who the hell in the right mind to
    Convert himself into pure spy the last 10mins and got stripped to make the whole clan flung that 20b leads??
  5. All team members were screened before march. All spies were told to sell their allies and bank the gold or hide the allies.
  6. Dondada, you lack reading comprehension. I will break this down in bullet form:

    1) hansel w/ allies assigned to team A
    2) team A n B plunder close thru war
    3) team A winning until 10 minutes left
    4) team A hansel drops attack building
    5) team A hansel is now spy w allies
    6) spy w allies opens for team B
    7) team A could not "vet" any player
    8) team A could not drop bleeder
    9) team B wins because of OSF

    I know what you did. You saw the term pure spy with allies and objected. Mistake understood. Just keep this thread on topic.

    Real issue is that this threatens the ASW. There is no way from friends on the other side from throwing the war.

    Both sides fought well. I was watching the score and HoC had a lead everytime I checked. So the OP's main point was they fought well, regardless of the last minute outcome.
  7. Whoever steal me why don't you steal more?? I will farm the hell out of you if your name appear.
  8. If fighting an honorable, non dirty tactic war was our Achilles Heel so be it. We did screen all spies and hansels prior to start and he had attack building up when those were done. No way to kick leaks, however, really hampered what we could do to maintain the lead. I still hold my head up with pride for our team. Nothing any of the dirty war advocates will say can take that from our team. Good luck to the remaining teams.
  9. Pete, if that's the story I do understand and that sucks to lose that way even more than it does to have a pure spy stripped.

    But I had eyes on the action as it was happening and "team B" did strip a pure spy of a 400bil ally. So unless you can discredit the clan claiming to have stripped the ally as it happened and give some sort of proof he was dropping pots, I'm gonna have to believe what my eyes saw as it went down.
  10. I really do not feel these wars should be "clean" by any means. Do what you gotta do to win. That being said, a hansel going osf and opening himself for the other side in the last minutes is crossing the line. <- never thought I'd acknowledge a line 
  11. I stayed up all night. I'm not angry. I'm too old to get angry. Bit gutted but what can you do. Nuffink. It was a pleasure fighting along side you guys. Roll on asw 2013 I say. We can get robbed all over again.
  12. There is no such thing as a pure spy with allies. Your point.

    I don't appreciate you calling people liars. The OP didn't even get into details.

    The OP isn't dissing the other team. I was rooting for my owner as well on Team B. All these teams were named in honor of him. :lol:
  13. The point is HoC fought well and
    ATA special mechanics allow an exploit that jeopardizes the whole ASW.
  14. Donada-even if it happened as you say you believe it happened-(which it didnt ) then we still couldn't do anything about it. You're not nearly as smart as you think you are. Before the war even started we identified this member a a risk and asked him to change build-which he did. Even so-if he had allies out and was unresponsive-which he was-we would have kicked him! Thing is-if you took more than a nanosecond to get some facts you would know that WE COULDN'T KICK anyone. Where's the skill in that? Luck of the draw happens to give you the epitome of a pwar and u can't do a thing about it.

    Besides that scenario-which isn't what happened-this guy was a low life who deliberately did this knowingly and also knowing there was absolutely nothing we could do about it.

    That is hardly honorable. But from the way you speak I suppose that is something you can readily identify with.
  15. Just to clarify. I'm not blaming the other side. They fought well and fought hard
  16. And I'm taking nothing away from their victory either, a well fought war for 7 hours and 45 minutes! Bravo and congrats to the winners!!
  17. Lmao. Well done Micky!
  18. Lol thanks Mickey
  19. @ Basilisk plugging your own leaks doesn't show up in overall actions.
  20. 5 minutes left and 200 folks xstal at same time on a coordinated sabotage. Yeah you're right donata. If u could've found that in the 60 seconds it took for them to get 50 bil in plunder. Then you're the man donata....you're just the friggin man