Harb Pulls Revenge Strip on IMF: 526T

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. Lol yeah! He's a big Frog fan. Another dude butthurt after being stripped over a year ago. Haters gonna hate. Easier to say crap in the forums than actually give me any incoming.
  2. Harb - ZAFT Frontlining all-star Apocalypse vs ZAFT 2015, most valuable player.
  3. The amount of butthurt on this thread is over 9000
  4. Ikr? I was just making a little April fools joke. Unfortunately someone has to suck the fun out of it by making character assassinations. Trolls are gonna troll I guess.
  5. After being stripped... Bahahahahaha
  6. Dude, i trashed ur raggedy ass for months. U couldnt handle it thats y u started trolin and derailin
  7. Oo_____Fraud_____oO still upset about being a war runner and fail hansel farmer
  8. Lol Chubbs. You know it is not true. You're butthurt is showing by posting it on every thread I make. If you are so concerned about it, why don't you actually DO something?

    Personally, I don't go around the forums yelling about your secret cf deal with MG cause I really don't care. Do as you want.

    By the way, you've already been asked respectfully to leave the thread. Please respect the OP's wishes.

    (Ps. Went 7/8 not 4/5. Learn to count )
  9. SS please. I'd like to see my trashed ass.

  10. Awwww he trols and derails but he cant take it when fatso do the same and/or calls him out :lol:

  11. Again askin for proof and whining ( and running from osws) :lol:
  12. Btw, ur thread is just a joke. Literally. Then u telling fatso to beat it? U posted a joke then ppl take it like a joke. Y u mad? Cuz he told u stuff u dont wanna hear?
  13. Frog gets butthurt easily.
  14. Lol a third butthurt fan. Hi Crazy. Gonna do EE anytime soon?

    Why do you care anyway Salty? Pushing your way into Chubbs and my fight just shows how butthurt you are. If it helps I'm sorry for stripping you over a year ago. Besties?

    (Btw it possible to post without quoting every single time. Constant quoting just adds to clutter.)
  16. Lol...that didn't work out right
  17. Haters are the best kind of fans, they just don't realise it
  18. Frog  has a nice fan club
  19. Derailed. /Lock
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