Shhh don't tell the nOob that. Ps. Frog, I'm ashamed of your 400b in allies. All my allies were stripped off zaft members. Go ahead and count them
Lol Monkey I long since had my alts clean off my allies. No use keeping large amounts on a main build in OSW. Anyway you should know a lot about alts. Why don't you long on to Crazy again and wreck another EE war?
Wow, Monkey! It's been a while since I've seen a build like yours. What good is it besides preventing a strip?
There is a point in keeping lots of allies on main accounts during osw. Fun. Challenge. Risk. You might as well be a statless alt with your 400b lol. I can't take credit for Crazy's misdeeds either. Funny as they are, they aren't my actions.
I have 3 pages of fails lol,photoshopped? No don't think so bud...butthurt about what?youre joke kid
Lol I wasn't the one who was stripped Chubbers. If I'm such a joke why do you stalk me so much? I know you're butthurt when I helped strip that little alt of yours a while back, but it's time to get over that, man. Perhaps you're just shocked I know about that deal you made with MG behind your clan's back. Don't be. Many know already. Btw I just gave you 4 inc. why don't you post how I did?
Anyway it's a April Fool thread. If you have nothing better to do than post character assassinations, I respectfully ask you to leave. Ty.