Harb Pulls Revenge Strip on IMF: 526T

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. I call bull crap. You have 400b in allies frog. You didn't fund anyone's strip.

  2. Lol you think I have only one account in 4 years in this game? Why is an NA member so concerned about it anyway?
  3. I'm bored and will concern myself with whatever I choose. I also find pleasure in calling out liars on the internet. Sue me.
  4. You've never raised money for strips in NA? Don't you even know how the process of washing allies works? I'm embarrassed for you man.
  5. The people vs monkeyknocks
    Find him guilty of ally trading fraud,internet trolling and trafficking in butthurt
  6. Frog teach us more about osw......like how to run and fail at ee...nice sdt tho
  7. Damn i fell for it, forgot was april 1st 
  8. Talking about failing......

    Wow! Two out of five. You're a stealing machine Chubbs. It might take a whole five seconds to get back that 80 mil.
    Btw thanks for leaking to help pay for my last two upgrades. 
  9. Yeah I failed sure but you didn't show the rest of the bar did u?osw doesn't mean only attacking hansels in their sleep dude want me to post the failed attacks from your big attack build?
  10. I got fooled :|
  11. [​IMG]
    I'm a hansel you should be embarrassed
  12. No, I'd settle for you not posting the same lies over and over again for months. That's a whole new level of butthurt, dude.

    If you want to post all my alleged attack "fails" go for it. I got nothing to hide. Oh, presently you pay 203 mil a hit btw.

    As for what is involved in OSW, call me crazy but I tend to hit with my attack build and steal with my spy builds. Is that right or should I be doing the opposite? 

    ( btw Chubbs, you do realize we were burning your pots for a few days leading up to the strip? You do realize I wasn't seriously trying to steal from you with this account, don't u? So much for OSW 101)
  13. LMAO. The times are not in right order. Obvious photo shop. Didn't think much before posting, did you?
  14. I dont think chumps (chubbs) is capable of making on topic commentary in any kaw forum thread

    Hows the saying go? The lights are on but nobodys home?

  15. Look at this fail photoshop. I feel sorry for you this is so lame.
  16. @Chubby

    You do know this is an April Fool thread, right? It's not a "I hate frog so much I'm going to spam his thread" thread right? Give it a rest ffs.


    It is very possible to fund a strip without directly buying the allies. Just saying.
  17. Well looks like you got me. Cheers froggy
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