
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iSpencer, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Harambe Is ATA's Logo ?

    Here's a picture of Harambe

    Now here's ATA Logo

    You think they are related?

    I kid, I'm bored
  2. ata predicted harambe
  3. support for harambae
  5. Can't agree more
  6. 10/10 Harambe is love
  7. I miss him so much man.
  8. You barely knew him -.-
  9. whos harambe? someone said hes maker of universe in wc am like .__.
  10. Why don't you trolls show more support to stop all the wild life trafficking out there? This went viral only cause you guys like to make jokes about it. So let's be honest, none really cared that much except for that child's mother
  11. He is.
  12. I swear to God im literally NOT trolling. I barely watch news. CNN is whats destroying us :lol:
  13. What about Harambe's mother....
  15. Harambe... Our savior died for our sins
  16. For the love of god people IT IS HARAMBAE*
  17. Bartender: What will you have tonight?

    Harambe: A Whiskey Sour

    Me: No, he'll just have ice

    Bartender: Just ice?

    Me: Yes, Justice for Harambe
  18. Wowowowowowowiwowowowowowowowowowwiwoeowowiwiwowiwowiwiwowowiwiw wowowowowowowiwowowowowowowowowowiwowowowowowowowowowowowiwowowo wowowiwiwowowoharambewoeowowowowowowowowiwowiwiwiwiwowowowowowiw fwowowowowouwowowowoowcwowowoowkwowowowowiharambewowowowowawowow swowowowowos wowowiwowowieieowiwiwo