There you go ya greedy's you got what you cried for. Maybe take back the crystals developers. Give out milk bottles instead.
It was our mistake, and we're glad you guys let us know as soon as you did. We're glad things have been made right
Hey kaw_community if you're reading this do you have any idea as to when the update including more clan organization and stuff like that will be released? Thanks!
Haha. Cool thanks dev's!!! That's 100 more quests I don't have to do to get my pro pack! Hey Merry Christmas to you too!!! Also Moth's are way better than fangs!! I like the war feature! And the war match-ups are great! (Despite contrary beliefs) I've been matched up with MUCH better clans 3/4 times and all it's done is teach me war strategy! I have yet to win/: but that will come with time (hopefully soon ) really enjoying all your hard work! Thanks again dev's!!!
Devs what you planning for Xmas we all want 50% off from seal unlimited crystal use and 50% plunder on haunting escape for Xmas and new year please