Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllll, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Happy Birthday Belle! Does this mean we can strip you into your birthday suit? 
  2. Happy Birthday belle 
  3. Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one! 
  4. What colour thong you wearin bday girl?
  5. Happy Birthday Belle!!!Lubs you!!!
  6. Hot pink with turquoise stripes, blak
  7. i am logging in to piss the hell out of people like you :D

    I'm not sure to take this seriously or not

    After all, badger is the op

    Happy birthday anyways!
  9. Happy Birthday Belle
  10. Piss the hell out over a phone app? It appears you perceive yourself as a hideous, talented troll. Fail quitters and build-droppers don't seem to be very talented or bright hehe
  11. More quests
  12. Wait a second... Was her birthday last month when we bought those dirties. Hmmmm 
  13. That's what she told me sugah 
  14. Do I really want to say this (suppose before she shouts at me again ) happy bday our glorious leader
  15. Happy Birthday Belle 
  16. Late.. But I Wish you all the best lol
  17. Better late than never, happy birthday Belle Happy Birthday